How should I handle this?

There’s this girl I know, and a year ago we almost dated. It was really complicated though, and I messed it up in the end pretty bad. She stopped talking to me, and found another guy (who cheated on her) and we haven’t really spoken since August. She pops in and out of my mind quite often and we have a few classes together, and I really feel like I should just try to apologize to her one more time. I’m not sure how to though, or whether I should. It just feels. . .awkward, when I’m around her nowadays, and I’m not sure how to approach her or talk to her. I get the feeling she’ll just ignore me if I send a text…how/when/what should I do?

Answer #1

you have nothing to lose by talking to her. I think you are right about the ignoring texts; do it in person- its more sincere. Talk to her when you two are alone, pull her aside at school or something.

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