What do I do about my friend likeing me?

I have this friend who I met this year and we became really good friends but suddenly he’s acting really flirty around me all the time and telling all my friends he likes me except me! so I guess he thinks that I don’t know but I really just want to be friends with him he knows I like someoone else and that guy like me too. what do I do?

Answer #1

Stand your ground. If you wanna be friends, you need to tell him, face to face, that that is all that you and him are going to be. Don’t forget to be nice though. Say something like, “ I’m flattered you like me, but I’m only interested in being friends.” If he has a problem with this, then obviously, he’s not such a good friend. Hope this helped.

Answer #2

Telling him you want to be friends is the only logical thing to do, but most likely losing him will be the result. so my advice is be illogical. soon you and the guy you like will be together right? Well let that happen and your friend will be jealous and probably try and stay away and avoid you for a while. But he’ll stick around and who knows maybe you’ll fall for him eventually, love is tricky and who we fall for is uncontrollable.

Answer #3

well yeah, guys nd girls cant just be friends with no feelings for each other. it was either u or him or both who would have feelings. best thing is not to bring it up, some1 will get hurt.

Answer #4

if you tell him, you might risk making things awkward so i suggest just trying to let the situation slowly die. receive compliments but draw them out and dont flirt back. and dont be afraid to let him see you talk/flirt to the guy you like. he’ll get the picture himself without you having to hurt him or make things awkward bu shutting him down

Answer #5

breakingfan2006 is probably right, just eave it be and it will soon die off

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