Why did my ex's friends came to my house unannounced?

Hey. A little info: I used to date this jerk for a year and some odd months. He was my first boyfriend and my first “time” if you know what I mean, so when we broke up, it was very hard and he was very mean towards me and basically had all of our mutual friends against me and stay with him as friends. I suffered so much pain emotionally because these friends became verbally abusive towards me, and all of them pretty much dropped me as a friend, one of them being a “best friend” for 3 whole years.

So anyway, fast forward to a little over a year later, and a knock comes to the front door. I was some place else but then I hear my dad opening the door and these girls were looking for me! One of them is VERY good friends with my ex, and the other girl I’m not sure, I didn’t looked, but according to my parents and their physical description of her, she could also be a good friend of my ex.

Why did they looked for me after MANY months of not speaking to me?

Answer #1

Maybe they feel bad and want to make things up

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