Politics & Law Questions

  1. Which is the oldest civilization of India?
  2. Which joke is funniest?
  3. How to remember the american presidents in order?
  4. Do you see a contradiction in policy?
  5. Any contradiction here?
  6. Why does the media portray English people as not liking Americans?
  7. Republican candidate for President?
  8. Who's voting for Hillary Clinton?
  9. How would you describe the media?
  10. Why do people judge you by what county you're from??
  11. Are people blaming Muslims for terrorist attacks?
  12. Are American people racist?
  13. T or F: A nation without secure borders will not long be sovereign?
  14. Why is pot illegal while aspirin is legal?
  15. What's a quick/easy way to keep up on world events?
  16. Would you agree or disagree with this statement?
  17. Is it just me who disagrees on the war in Iraq?
  18. How much jail time for abortion if it were criminalized?
  19. Could hate crime laws cross a line ?
  20. What are your political views?
  21. Should there be warnings about blind people?
  22. Will leaving Iraq help al-Qaeda's cause?
  23. Can they sink any lower?
  24. How does leaving Iraq make us safer?
  25. Which is the better party?
  26. Why was Armitage not prosecuted?
  27. What is politically correct to call them?
  28. What is good or even great about America?
  29. Which presidents were impeached in the US?
  30. Does this surprise you?
  31. Do ratings drive radio programs?
  32. Why does Congress have the lowest rating in a decade?
  33. Can you believe the US government is giving money to Islamists?
  34. What do you think of stereotyping?
  35. Scandals involving tainted food and toothpaste from China
  36. Why object to 'Defensive' missiles ?
  37. Is the desire to assimilate gone?
  38. Is the illegal immigrants bill amnesty?
  39. Should we withdraw from Baghdad?
  40. Why didn't we have warning of 9-11?
  41. What are the differences between a Prime Minister and President?
  42. What are the duties of the Supreme Court?
  43. What is the economic system of Japan?
  44. When were women allowed to vote in England?
  45. Is the candidates hiding their tax returns good or bad?
  46. Should they make marijuana legal?
  47. Why is Tony Blair stepping down from Prime Minister?
  48. Why did France elect a pro-American?
  49. Was 9/11 an inside job?
  50. Who should win the '08 Presidential Election?
  51. Would tighter gun control have stopped the VTech shooting?
  52. Why won't the government legalize marijuana?
  53. Do you agree that America is a force of good?
  54. Will the next administration leave troops in Iraq?
  55. Why are Democrats voting to refund the war?
  56. 'PIAPS' - anyone know what that means?
  57. Why aren't illegals treated as such?
  58. Will the US ever be able to form an international coalition again?
  59. Did the government know 9/11 was going to happen?
  60. When can our society progress as one?
  61. Should I be a Republican or Democrat?
  62. Where do you go to find a good Lawyer?
  63. Why is marijuana illegal while cigarettes are legal?
  64. What do you think about welfare?
  65. Do you think there should be local bans on pit bulls?
  66. When are the next British elections?
  67. Should Attorney General Alberto Gonzales resign?
  68. Which will be a world superpower first? China, or India?
  69. How many al-Qaeda operatives do you think there are?
  70. Should House of Representative terms be extended?
  71. How do you feel about Michael Moore?
  72. Do you think the Patriot Act is a good idea?
  73. Will you vote in 2008?
  74. What do you think of Mitt Romney?
  75. Do you think a Mexican will ever be President?
  76. Felony conviction
  77. Who would you prefer ?
  78. Should there be a Superstate ?
  79. What does "World Peace" really mean?
  80. Democratic leaders are poised to gut America's missle defense, why?
  81. Good or Bad news ?
  82. Who should run for President in the Democratic party?
  83. What will happen with the US democratic party taking over?
  84. Victory in Iraq?
  85. What do you think of these solutions to three of America's problems
  86. Life Behind Bars?
  87. What is the real difference between republicans and democrats?
  88. Whats the punishment for retail theft
  89. What is the correct pronunciation of "Iraq"?
  90. what is church of magick?
  91. Where was George Bush born?
  92. Where can I find Kuchi jewelery?
  93. who won the second world war?
  94. Who is President of South Africa?
  95. Who are the US Representatives for PA?
  96. What was the first permanent settlement in America?
  97. who was the 5th president of the united states?
  98. Who is the president of U.S. now?
  99. What is the state animal for the state Utah?
  100. What problem did the Missousi Compromise try to settle in 182