Why won't the government legalize marijuana?

Well, I Just have to ask. It bothers me so much to see how people hate pot so much. For one, no ones EVER ODed on it, No ones ever DIED from it unless they were stupid enough to go do something stupid, Everyones always happy and peacful on it. I just hate how they can aprove Alcohol and not WEED!!! each day people die from alcohol, for so many reasons… But pot… When do you EVER see anyone seriously hurt except for getting tackled by a cop for having it and trying to run??? It shows that Weed isnt that harmful, But the Government wont have it because so many profits can be made from it and so many people would actually have money.

I feel that if everyone smoked weed that EVERYONE would be happy and peacful. If you have something to say that has to put me down, than dont bother because I will never give up a fight about my opinion.


I dont know what im talking about. im just really bored and had to talk about something.

haha peace

Answer #1

i suport u on this they where going to ligalize it in texas if we got this one governer but eventually there r goin to ligalize it dont worry

Answer #2

hell yea I support you 100% they should legalize weed I mean more people die from drunck driveing then getting high

Answer #3

gives yah cancer tho … ♥ twink

Answer #4

it is becaus ewe can grow it easily. much easier than tobaco. so that is why. the government is doing that for the money

Answer #5

all supporters need to contact their congress men. we need to talk to other people and help them understand what America has to gain from legalization. Look at politics. People who are into politics are the people that where around when the hippie movement was big. They must know how serious other drugs are and how marijuana factors into the equation. Politicians in the house and senate only care about one thing.. RE ELECTION. Same with the president. The more we urge our elected officials to decriminalize the closer we are to legalization. we need more states to decriminalize before the Federal Government will consider it. The more legislation we can get pushed through, the closer we get to legal buds!

NORML and other organizations are good, however we need to be active our selves. Certain organizations have no intent on legalizing or decriminalizing, though that’s what they sell. To many people are making money on keeping it illegal. So, again, we need to URGE our elected officials as much as we can to push legislation through to legalize. start a petition. The more signatures that are on the petition the more the elected official in your area has to worry. Those are votes to that official.

If you aren’t happy with what is going on in the government do something about it! get evolved! their is only one way to show that this war on drugs is a failure and that is to unite! Sure, one person can only do so much, however together we can get so much more accomplished.

The government worries about popular opinion. Every American knows what Marijuana is, and the more we can show the TRUTH about marijuana the more likely people will not encourage wasting their tax dollars so federal employees can have a job. If America decriminalized weed 20+ billion dollars that are paying federal employees in court fees, legal fees, DEA salaries, Prison Guard saleries.. a lot of this money goes to pay for these positions. If weed was legal a lot of these people would be out of a job. so would the illegal groups selling the drugs. This is a shitty reason to keep weed illegal. As stated above, there is so much more money to be gained from legalizing and taxing. some of the tax money could go to enforcing legal weed. Enforcing tax stamps and grow license fees to individuals. I don’t think there would be much opposition from independent growers to pay a fee for a license. I’d rather pay a fee for a license to grow then be busted for selling illegally. Other money from taxing legal marijuana growing and sales could also go to pay NEEDED public jobs. Jobs for teachers to teach our youth. Jobs to keep our roads safe and prisons underpopulated. I’d rather live on a block with 25 pot heads than 1 pedophile. keep the killers and rapists, and society’s serious problem children in prison and keep the productive members of society that like to smoke pot out of our jails. I doubt the alcohol companies will lose much money (which some lobbyist money comes from). People who like to drink, like to drink. people who like to smoke like to smoke. some people like to smoke and drink. it will just be opening up another section for the economy to florish.

Tourism. if not the biggest reason for the government to legalize, it should be. it will increase tourism. every state has different weed. not better, just different. I’d travel to taste different buds.

My biggest worry is that they do with weed what they did with tobacco. big corporations stamp out the competition and sell Mexican dirt weed with all kinds of extra chemicals. it should be left to a sellers market. have individuals grow and sell their crop in addition to their current jobs. that would keep a variety of buds for the consumer to choose from and discourage monopoly type situations.

I think one of the biggest reasons America doesn’t legalize is because of the treaties we have with other nations. I think we are America so other nations will fallow. I’m sure there are constituents that want to legalize there too.

Look at the Netherlands. they have less teen weed smoking than we do, and it is legal there!

The key is education. Alcohol is bad for your health. every one knows that and so most people keep their alcohol intake to a minimum. Smoking cigarettes is addicting and bad for your health. because people know that 50% of Americans have quit smoking. Smoking pot impairs your vision and motor skills. Heavy use (5 joints a week) causes irreversible changes to your body. and smoking in young children (under 18) can impair their reasoning skills and other cognitive development. if we teach this to children I doubt we will have such high rates of our children getting high.

Pot is a gateway drug. it takes you from cigarettes and alcohol onto heroin, coke and the like. that is not going to change. some people are stupid. if they are going to do heroin or Meth, then they will do that if weed exists or not, or weather its legal or not.

Legalize all drugs. if America legalized all drugs and cultivated drugs for its citizens it would reduce crime rates dramatically. sell them at government regulated shops with educational posters so people know what they are getting into. supply clean needles to stop the spread of diseases. take tax money on all drugs like drug sellers do.

setting up a weed growing operation costs 1 to 2k for a maximum buy in. with this invested you can yield a 1/4lb minimum per month with minimum cost for up keep. do you think that is why it costs $40/8th? does that justify 250/oz? people are making a killing on growing, and the government should tap into that.

there are hundreds of reasons not to legalize. but there is millions of reasons to legalize. people need to realize. people need to unite. people need to change our governments policy. I’m organizing my political group. what are you doing?

Answer #6


Answer #7

It cant be taxed. and the growing health issues mean that very few want it legalized - but doctors can prescribe it.

Answer #8


Read this… its some good stuff

Answer #9

YAY! for 4:20!! XP • twink •

Answer #10

all supporters need to contact their congress men. we need to talk to other people and help them understand what America has to gain from legalization. Look at politics. People who are into politics are the people that where around when the hippie movement was big. They must know how serious other drugs are and how marijuana factors into the equation. Politicians in the house and senate only care about one thing.. RE ELECTION. Same with the president. The more we urge our elected officials to decriminalize the closer we are to legalization. we need more states to decriminalize before the Federal Government will consider it. The more legislation we can get pushed through, the closer we get to legal buds!

NORML and other organizations are good, however we need to be active our selves. Certain organizations have no intent on legalizing or decriminalizing, though that’s what they sell. To many people are making money on keeping it illegal. So, again, we need to URGE our elected officials as much as we can to push legislation through to legalize. start a petition. The more signatures that are on the petition the more the elected official in your area has to worry. Those are votes to that official.

If you aren’t happy with what is going on in the government do something about it! get evolved! their is only one way to show that this war on drugs is a failure and that is to unite! Sure, one person can only do so much, however together we can get so much more accomplished.

The government worries about popular opinion. Every American knows what Marijuana is, and the more we can show the TRUTH about marijuana the more likely people will not encourage wasting their tax dollars so federal employees can have a job. If America decriminalized weed 20+ billion dollars that are paying federal employees in court fees, legal fees, DEA salaries, Prison Guard saleries.. a lot of this money goes to pay for these positions. If weed was legal a lot of these people would be out of a job. so would the illegal groups selling the drugs. This is a shitty reason to keep weed illegal. As stated above, there is so much more money to be gained from legalizing and taxing. some of the tax money could go to enforcing legal weed. Enforcing tax stamps and grow license fees to individuals. I don’t think there would be much opposition from independent growers to pay a fee for a license. I’d rather pay a fee for a license to grow then be busted for selling illegally. Other money from taxing legal marijuana growing and sales could also go to pay NEEDED public jobs. Jobs for teachers to teach our youth. Jobs to keep our roads safe and prisons underpopulated. I’d rather live on a block with 25 pot heads than 1 pedophile. keep the killers and rapists, and society’s serious problem children in prison and keep the productive members of society that like to smoke pot out of our jails. I doubt the alcohol companies will lose much money (which some lobbyist money comes from). People who like to drink, like to drink. people who like to smoke like to smoke. some people like to smoke and drink. it will just be opening up another section for the economy to florish.

Tourism. if not the biggest reason for the government to legalize, it should be. it will increase tourism. every state has different weed. not better, just different. I’d travel to taste different buds.

My biggest worry is that they do with weed what they did with tobacco. big corporations stamp out the competition and sell Mexican dirt weed with all kinds of extra chemicals. it should be left to a sellers market. have individuals grow and sell their crop in addition to their current jobs. that would keep a variety of buds for the consumer to choose from and discourage monopoly type situations.

I think one of the biggest reasons America doesn’t legalize is because of the treaties we have with other nations. I think we are America so other nations will fallow. I’m sure there are constituents that want to legalize there too.

Look at the Netherlands. they have less teen weed smoking than we do, and it is legal there!

The key is education. Alcohol is bad for your health. every one knows that and so most people keep their alcohol intake to a minimum. Smoking cigarettes is addicting and bad for your health. because people know that 50% of Americans have quit smoking. Smoking pot impairs your vision and motor skills. Heavy use (5 joints a week) causes irreversible changes to your body. and smoking in young children (under 18) can impair their reasoning skills and other cognitive development. if we teach this to children I doubt we will have such high rates of our children getting high.

Pot is a gateway drug. it takes you from cigarettes and alcohol onto heroin, coke and the like. that is not going to change. some people are stupid. if they are going to do heroin or Meth, then they will do that if weed exists or not, or weather its legal or not.

Legalize all drugs. if America legalized all drugs and cultivated drugs for its citizens it would reduce crime rates dramatically. sell them at government regulated shops with educational posters so people know what they are getting into. supply clean needles to stop the spread of diseases. take tax money on all drugs like drug sellers do.

setting up a weed growing operation costs 1 to 2k for a maximum buy in. with this invested you can yield a 1/4lb minimum per month with minimum cost for up keep. do you think that is why it costs $40/8th? does that justify 250/oz? people are making a killing on growing, and the government should tap into that.

there are hundreds of reasons not to legalize. but there is millions of reasons to legalize. people need to realize. people need to unite. people need to change our governments policy. I’m organizing my political group. what are you doing?

Answer #11

cause bush is president

Answer #12

all it would do is make it easier for younger people to get it. even if the legal age is 21 just think how many high schoolers and college kids wouldnt go to class everyday high as a kite and waste away all their money. not saying they dont do that now but the number would increase. I think you would see a decrease in GPAs. young people would be more worried about when the next time they were gonna smoke rather then thinking about homework and listening in classes. before any government starts planning on legalizing it they need to think about our future. they always look to the kids as the future well I say dont stunt their educational growth by legalizing it. cause it would be out of control

Answer #13

Pot has been called a drug … well it used to be classified as a plant, in the 50s society was brainwashed into believing if you smoked it that you may cut someone up with a big butcher knife… hard to understand how its illegal when the true gateway to all drugs is alcohol there is so many facts on how horrible the drug alcohol is but it seems the legalization of weed for cancer patients , people in chronic pain, is rapidly growing… so the facts are it is a medicine and has many beneficial factors…Im still looking for the benefits of being a drunk… not that im a drunk I hate drugs including alcohol… I like flowers one inpaticular and it works for all types of problems.but imagine it legall half the prisons in the US would be empty the government would loose money from probation, all the med companies would loose money society would be far more happy , less arrest for assault and battery, domestic violence etc. if you take someone really mad smoke a j with them they will be laughing at themself , the worst case sceneerio they will get the munchies… peace to all , I got the munchies now…

Answer #14

they won’t legalize it because they feel that

A. They don’t know how to make money from legalizing it.


Big Tobacco and Pharmaceutical companies and/or their lobbyists, pay too much money to politicians to keep weed illegal - because if weed is legal cigarette sales would drop at least by 50% (who would still buy cancer if they had weed?) and many pain relievers, anxiety meds, sleep meds would be useless compared to weed which has less side effects and can’t kill you because you can’t O.D.


Too many idiots get high and do stupid things that make the public perceive all indulgers in marijuana as idiots. Not enough functional marijuanans (weed heads that work, go to school and take care of their responsibilities) are able to stand up for the cause because they don’t want the negative stigma that comes with being a weed head.


The public sees marijuana as a DRUG. When in fact it is an herb. It is not addictive - the euphoria and inner peace you get when inhaling is not addiction. It is your realization that sobriety hurts because of the cruelty to humanity that gets committed by the sober people. Pot heads didn’t f* up our economy! Pot heads didn’t start the war in Iraq! Pot heads didn’t fly into the Twin Towers! Pot heads are not keeping us poor!

They won’t legalize weed because they think they’re right and refuse to acknowledge how wrong they are. Read between the lines and don’t follow anyone just because they say they are Pro-Legalization. Some politicians just want your vote.

www.MySpace.com/LKMachete I hope I was helpful.

Answer #15

well im a smoker my self and personally I think the government should legalize marijuana because there sitting here locking people up for lil bags such as saw bucks and nicks for what these people are gonna go to court and most of these cases get thrown away neways now all that was a waist of time and money… and were doses that money come from our taxes the goverment is our taking money out our taxes to pay for lawyer fees court fees. when they just legalize it and stop waisting billion of dollars a year locking people up.. there focused should be on how to save money and fix more important things like unsolved murders..or feeding da poor or fixing these messed up streets…

now everybody is asking why should it be legalized ?? when everybody should be asking why should it be illegal? individuals deserve the right to make choices for themselves. the goverment only has a right to limit those choices if the individuals actions endanger someone els.this dose not apply to marijuana ,since individuals who choose to use marijuana do so more according to his or her own free will.the government may have a right to limit individuals actions if the actions pose a significant threat to the individual.But this argument dose not logically apply to marijuana because marijuana is far less dangerous than some other drugs which are iegal such as alcohol and tabacco…NOW theres a lot of people that die from tabacco and alcohol now do you here of any one dien from marijuana ?? NO!!! now no matter what that state dose im always gonna be a pot smoker !!!

Answer #16

I beleive that the reason the goverment doesn’t legalize marijuana is because they can’t tax it. I mean think about it, the government has always hated what it can’t control, and you all realize how easy it would be to simply grow a pot plant in the corner of your room. And on a different note, I do not consider marijuana a drug. When I think of drugs I think of chemicals, and needles and weird white stuff you sniff up your nose. Alright let me say this. Flower. Now when I said flower I bet everyone who read this thought about a different kind of flower. You know why? Because the word flower is vague. Because there are so many different kinds of flowers because flowers are plants and are a part of nature, just like marijuana is a plant and anybody that know’s anything about marijuana knows how many different kinds there are. Marijuana is all natural, and someone says it causes cancer and is addicting and dangerous, thats bull. Science shows that Marijuana has worked to put Cancer into remission. And dangerous? Alright, we’ll say its dangerous, like riding a horse is dangerous. On a horse your perfectly fine unless you try to do something stupid while on the horse, then yes you have the possibility to get hurt, but are you going to blame the horse and try to make that horse illegal because you decided to try and surf on it? Only if your a complete moron. And yeah its possible to overdose on Marijuana, but you know how you do it? You have to smoke your own body weight in Marijuana, thats the only possible way to O.D on it. And I won’t lie to you, I can’t smoke 173 pounds of marijuana by myself, I don’t honestly know anyone who can, but if you can and you do, then that goes back to being stupid again.Marijuana like anything in like has its ups and downs, its goods and its bads, and personally, I just think the government, and ignorant people, are just focusing on the negative. And if you people want to live your life focusing on the negative in everything, you go right no ahead, but I want to live a happy life, so don’t try to ruin that for me.

Answer #17

the main reason that marjiuana is ilegal belive it or not if you look into it like most drugs the hate origionaly stemded from rasism I hate to say it but its true look it up but it is still illegal to this day for many resons one the goverment makes looks of money from it not only by busting people with it but by how they use the funds for it I don’t want to go into it all just watch the flick

american drug war the last great white hope

Answer #18

weed may be a drug but so is a hydro and is just addictive so if we can’t smok weed then why can we get hydro’s that is stupid !!!

Answer #19

It provides no cure, only relief. No need to rely on mind altering drugs when they only cover up symptoms. Would you like to meet drivers on the road smoking it and are loaded, three sheets to the wind?

How about a doctor who says, “Hey man, I can’t remember how I should treat you for that.”

Answer #20

well I think marijuana should be legal its less harmful than alcohol and has medical use,but I can see one thing why they wont legalize the sh** other than the money issue Longterm use of marijuana can be harmful psychologically and physicaly on the mental part it can cause slow reaction of the brain and you can have bad control of your reflexes and motor skills longterm use can cause schizophrenia,dementia,psycosis,and severe paranoia,memory loss.for as much as I like weed those facts are true and the very reason it causes all of these things is another reason why the government will not legalize it.Yes for most people its a peaceful drug but its that small percentage of people that go crazy on it and kill somebody that gives the government a reason to keep it illegal.I think 1 day it will be legal but I think it will be a couple of years from now.

Answer #21

I dont know for sure but I had heard that it was because they do not know how to tax it. and also that the beer companies from awhile back did not want it to be legal because it would cut into their profit. I have always thought that if the whole world would get high at the same time then there would be peace on earth. I agree with you 100% . They try to blame it all on pot when alcohol is proven to do more harm.

Answer #22

the reasson I think (and I’m white and not racist at all) is because the white man didn’t think of it in the first place back when there was slaves and so they made it illegeal back then and the white man did invent alchol so thats why it is legal but I have often said the same thing alchol ruins peoples lives because its addictive plus it imparess your judgement more than when your high and even so when your really drunk you can move when your way way high you cant move

Answer #23

weed may be a drug but so is a hydro and is just addictive so if we can’t smok weed then why can we get hydro’s that is stupid !!!

Answer #24

I am a republican and I will give you the answer that other republcians dont want to hear. It is because we were wrong and want to keep pretending the war on drugs is working.

Answer #25

im tired of seeing idiots commenting when they dont know anything about it themselves it became illegal because in the 1930s large corporations decided to make up lies about it so they can make more profit. weed has other uses like using 4 times more paper than trees and so on preventing corps from making profit in most cases and u cant patent something that grows because people could grow their own too. prevented corps making 80% more profit so thanks to “bad journalism” it became illegal weed has been used medicinally for thousands of years, there was no reason for it to become illegal

lol dont listen to what people tell u, its all misleading information you need to do your own research and see for urself

These are some of the comments I have copied from a forum

-pharmaceuticals are known to kill more people than illegal drugs

-marijuana is the number 1 cash crop in the world it serves as a natural medicine and has many other uses thats why they prohibited it so big companies can make more profit thanks to “bad journalism”

-can also help aids patients, aids diminishes appetite have them smoke a joint and they regain their appetite counteracting the illness

-no one can die from smoking cannabis and has been no known deaths compared to everything else including alcohol, tobacco, etc..

I myself have asthma and smoking opens up my airways making it easier to breathe with no side effects when medically legalized in my state I look foward to becoming a patient for prescription marijuana. 12 states have already legalized it along with other countries in the world and more following my job is to educate people that are not aware of the plants uses


-I did most of my research through websites, books, magazines, and the news norml.org high times magazine etc..

  • theres more to it than just getting high and I believe legalizing it would make this a better world to live in

-God bless the whole crop!

  • and for people that dont smoke, you dont need to smoke it to support it

-all the better reason for the government to legalize.. couple reasons why it should be legalized: -will be removed from black market and stop empowering gang members -medical reasons -would be sold like alcohol, remember alcohol was once prohibited too (in stores away from children, have to be 21+) -would be a law that you cant drive while intoxicated on weed -prison population would lower (prisons are overcrowding with nonviolent offenders) -keep patients from being convicted -would provide millions of jobs for people -would make us an independent country (fuel, etc.., debt free america)

people with an addiction (including hard drugs) shouldnt be thrown in jail, they need help theres more people in jail with mental illnesses than there are in mental institutions

the list goes on

  • the War on Drugs is a failure, its a war on its own people. policies need to be changed we pay billions in taxpayers money to keep the war going and neither side is winning thats just a waste of our tax money I wonder what they do with all that money.. those greedy bastards just sell drugs back onto the street, you can even check urself on that there was a time when there was a cia operation transporting drugs overseas into america the government also provided Rick Ross with plenty of heroin to go around, course making money from it

the truth must be exposed, theyre dirty work must stop!

-Of course we can do something about it, we all just need to unite screw the federal government remember slavery? if no one stood up im pretty sure it would still be going on people were tortured, beaten, killed and thrown in jail but that didnt stop them standing up for their rights eventually slavery was abolished same with alcohol prohibition eventually became re-legalized

  • its like theres some kind of conspiracy going on I sense the government is up to no good and trying to control us. credit cards, money, and now they have chips that can be implanted in skin for uselful reasons but if in the wrong hands well were pretty much fuct they hiding the truth from us its dangerous to be right when the government is wrong they got theyre privacy but we dont. they want to know everything were doing on our leisure time

get up stand up!

  • marijuanas not anti-establishment because its illegal, its illegal because its anti-establishment

all facts stated have been double-checked and confirmed want to learn more? norml.org americandrugwar.org hightimes.com lets all make this a better place to live in!

Answer #26

FAU: Maybe you should chief up sometime…possibly go back to grammar school or read a dictionary and learn how to spell STUPID

Answer #27

its our choice as americans to be able to smoke weed if we want just like its our choice to drink alcohol and smoke cigs which are worse than weed and legal. weed is the #1 cash crop in the U.S. and if the government made it so that people could only sell it to them, they would make a shitload of money selling it over the counter like cigs.

weed has been proven to halt breast cancer, and is being used as an alternative to chemo now. amsterdam is moving in the right direction.

Answer #28

funadvice: I beleive that the reason the goverment doesn’t legalize marijuana is because they can’t tax it. I mean think about it, the government has always hated what it can’t control, and you all realize how easy it would be to simply grow a pot plant in the corner of your room.

me: Um…yes they can? If you think about it, a lot of people live in the cities. I’ve never heard of poeple growing Ganja in the corner of an apartment or in a hotel. All of those people would have to get it from a conenience store or something, and they could tax it as a luxury item. Same thing goes for the people who grow it. Where do ordinary people buy the seeds? There are many forms of marijuana, and if you are using it for recreational purposes, that’s going to be a slightly different seed than the type of cannabis used for medical purposes. Same goes for the hemp plant, mostly only farmers and industries would be able to get a hold of it. The people who would have to buy the seeds from a store or company would have it taxed as a luxury item. The same way the tobacco and alcohol is taxed. As for the rest of what you said in your comment, I pretty much agree.

Answer #29

pot does not give you cancer even tho if you go to a government site like drugfree.org itll tell you that pots worse than cigarettes and is more likely to give you cancer.and thts an obvious lie for 2 reasons.they actually have a death toll for all the people killd off by cigs because it gave them cancer and there is no death toll for people who have been killd by pot after prolonged use.if anything pot would prevent you from having cancer.I mean why the hell would cancer patients smoke pot if it gave you cancer.thats exactly why they say on those govnt sites that pot can cause cancer because their debating with the facts that scientists have found that pot helps cancer patients.if your looking up facts about pot dont listen to those government sites because it is NOT true.they do not reasearch pot and most people dont see that and believe what they say and e way.the reason why people believe what the government says about pot being harmful and having longterm effects is because they dont know why they would make it illegal othrwise.but the reason why its illegal is because you dont need a company to manufacture it and sell it to the people.liek the reason why cigs are legal is because people cant rely on themselves to make it .it takes an industry to make it.but pot is something that can be grown by and e one who was willing to grow it.so pot would not be sold out of stores because there would be no companies making it because people could make it and in that the government doesnt get paid because the people who are growing it are selling it for their own profit which means that it wouldnt need to be taxed.thts practicly the whole name of the game is taxing.the government would get nothing and people of the nation would be making all the money from it but if people were more open minded and not stupid enough to let their government brainwash them with a bunch of bullshit then more people would be able to accept pot as being a safe substance and they would fight for its freedom.

Answer #30

for those of you who think marijuana is a drug, who think marijuana is worse than alcohol and tabacco, the truth of the matter is that IT IS NOT. I have done research on the so called “drug” and every negative point made on it is completely irrelevent. Although weed has more tar-forming carcinogens than tabacco, they are in fact NOT cancer-causing substances. They form phlem, which is the ‘tar’ that forms in your lungs. You CANNOT get cancer from smoking weed. another rumor is that you can develope mental illnesses from longterm smoking. This is another lie. only if you smoke out of alluminum cans can you develope mental disorders. The healthiest way to consume marijuana is through a bong, or “water-pipe”.

Yes, I smoke. Not as much as I use to. But I have ADHD and the truth is that it is actually helping me with life. I used to be anti-social. im now one of the most talkative people in my school. I am a varsity water polo player and im on the varsity swim team now. I was completely baked when I competed and got my varsity time.

I am not afraid to admit that I have smoked marijuana, because the truth is..

the government doesnt want to legalize weed because then it would most likely destroy the tabacco and alcohol industries, causing many corrupt cooperations to los etheir busineses.

Answer #31

I smoke but I honestly dont think it should be illegal. I’ve never witnessed or heard of a person getting high and beating on there family. From personal experience I’ll never drive drunk again because I couldnt stay focused on the road and I’ve done it twice. I’ll smoke heavily and could drive from alabama to florida with no problem. Now if it were to be legalized yes money would be lost because majority of people in jail are in because of pot charges alone which would decrease the number of personel needed to maintain the prison. But I know with out a doubt with the rate that tobacco is going up if they do the same with pot all money lost would be regained 5 times over. I myself took surveys at 5 different high schools to see would people buy pot from the store (I.e. gas stations, etc) versus a drug dealer not one single person would still go to a drug dealer.. So that said it being legal would drastically minimize violence over the drug. And this whole about gateway I’ve been smoking for around 5 years and have never wanted to try anything else. Dont want it dont need it. Now about the medical aspect. I know of individuals that have died because they didnt have and couldnt get health insurance. and all they needed was green. Cancer and what ever else pot cures or helps arent the only diseases out there. Hospitals would not be effected as greatly as some think. Think of all the medicine in the world that you have to get perscribed and subtract one… do you still think its a factor.. But im out of time damn it wanted to keep going. I’ll probably get back to it later… but think on it… Thanks for reading

Answer #32

pot does not give you cancer. lol my mom smoked it when she had cancer to help ease her mind off the chemo, and she was against pot until that. anyways, the only side effect I can think of is that it lowers your immune system (but not to the point of cancer) just Pneumonia. Hell though, I love pot and I pray that soon it’ll be legal. And you were right about everything you wrote. I think it’s just the way the gov’t makes money for schools, roads, etc. Like they arent already. and Concreteman’s also right, I seen on t.v this teen killed his mom and dad, then told cops he did it b/c he was high. That def didn’t help in keeping pot legal. The boy was just using it as a reason to try to get out of trouble. But, now he’s also making people like this pot head miserable, always having to hide when smoking. and crap like that.

Answer #33

its not the fact that no one ODed or died on marijuana that the government cares about. it’s illegal because its a mind altering substance. no one cares that no one died on weed. it also is that the government doesn’t know how to tax it because if they do, it would STOP benifiting the users becuase it would run them out of their money. alcohol is also a mood-altering substance but the reason why its legal is because BANNING it will only make people want it more. since weed was never legalized, no ones going crazy about it how alcohol if it was banned people would go insane.

I just say dont do it at all and you wont have to worry about it. if you need it to ‘mellow out’ then maybe go see a doctor to see if you have paranoia or anxiety, because youre not normal if you need a mind altering substance to run away from your problems or ‘chill you out’ seriouslyyy. and I’ve been there, dont think I’ve never done it because I have for plenty of years, and I’ve dont “hardcore” drugs also, I know what im talking about. thanks.

Answer #34

so those are all the reasons that it should be legal… But here is why it isn’t… The government gets it’s power from the war on drugs. THink abou it… the government is useless unless it stands against something. and they’re not going to stand against something like gasoline, or crime, or public education… fill in the blank dude… they want to stand against something completely irrational and easy to stand against.. also they want to stand against something that will never be defeated that way they never have to look for another easy fight. if they legalize it, they won’t have anything to fight against that will never die, and god forbid, but they’ll have to actually do work.

Answer #35

umm… there is alot of money to be made with the drug. think about it… if the gov’t legalized it, the money saved could help our schools, public systems, etc. the reality of the situation is that although there are many that dont do any type of drugs there are many that do and taxation would not be such a bad thing. you pay your taxes when you smoke your tobacco or drink your alcohol. its no more of a gateway drug to cocaine or heroin as beer is to harder liquors. prohibition did not work in the past and your starting to see the times when the prohibition of now is needing change. its a personal choice i have made and its yours not too. its just sad when our one of current country’s best money maker is in the pharmaceutical industry and they know what it is capable of so its kept illegal because they don’t want you growing your own medicine. i understand the risks cause i am baked right now as i’m writing this but at times its the only thing that solves that stomach pain or killer headache. well i’m all out of stuff to ramble on about.


Answer #36

Ok, here are some little facts I had come across while researching “Why is marijuana illegal?”… First of all marijuana is not the true name for pot, the actual name is cannabis. Marijuana is a made up name created by Harry J. Anslinger and William Randolph Hurst to scare people back in the 1930’s. But I am getting ahead of myself… Harry J. Anslinger wanted to get to into the white house and saw an opportunity with the Bureau of Narcotics. Since cocaine and other drugs during the time wasn’t going to be enough to scare the people, he targeted marijuana and ran a campaign against marijuana quoting that “marijuana is the most violent-causing drug in the history of mankind”… if anyone with common sense or has smoked cannabis knows that the comment stated above is entirely false. But of course, his campaign was successful and guess what… he got PROMOTED. Go figure, eh? William Randolph Hurst however, owned a chain of newspapers and had a lot of money invested in timber industries. When hemp was being used for producing paper at a much cheaper price, he felt threated and also had his own campaign, but added his own mexican racsim theme. Since both guys were being supported by the pharmaceutical and chemical companies it was utterly bound that Cannabis, aka, Marijuana will be illegalized. The basis of the illegalization of Cannabis was to keep the rich man rich and gives them an excuse to be a**holes. I am for the legalization of pot because there are no negative outcomes. Prolong usage of smoking pot has its own effects I will admit, but so is everything else. As for anyone who says “pot is dangerous” or “marijuana can kill you” or “it gives you cancer” I say to you: YOU ARE CLOSED MINDED and IGNORANT. There is absolutely NO PROOF that marijuana can cause serious harmful effects on the body, or mind. It has been PROVEN that its nearly IMPOSSIBLE to OD on Marijuana. So as for it killing you, that is extreamly unlikely. For those who are against the legalization of marijuana, I would like for you to find a better solution to our crippling economy. If you think pot is bad, then don’t smoke it.

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