Do you think a Mexican will ever be President?

Do you think a Mexican will ever be President?

Answer #1

srry to burst your bubble but philli2611 is right there can not be a mexican president …unless both of his parents where born there and he was born here regardless he woul only be half mexican srry…

Answer #2

Greetings, I’m not sure, but I think that a president of the United States of America, has to be born in the country.

Answer #3

Do you mean, will there ever be a latino president in the US? Or are you asking about presidents in Mexico?

If the former, sure I think it’s possible & this next election should show how close we are to having a non caucasion man running the US. If the later, then I’m not sure, as I’m not up on politics in Mexico.

Answer #4

i agree with sikeshimer.. we’ve never broken the “white-male” presidency chain, why would they want to start now? anything can happen, but i’ve got my doubts.

Answer #5

I think we should work on a female or ANY non Caucasian president first.

We live in an extremely racist and sexist country. Even though it’s PC to not be racist and sexist. Those votes are behind closed doors and confidential. Sadly, I’d say not for a while.

Answer #6

Yeah, I agree with sikashimmer and worrywart12

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