What do you think of Mitt Romney?

What do you think of Mitt Romney? Do you think he has a chance at the presidency?

Answer #1

Hey brooke_lynn,

I think Romney definitely has a shot. He has the background- Harvard, businessman, former Governor. He also has done some missionary work, which I think will apply to the religious right.

Personally, he’s not my favorite candidate. But politics aside, he seems to have a shot in my book.

Answer #2

I don’t think any conservative politician has a shot at the presidency in the future.

People are tired of gay bashing, family-values-touting, support-the-troops-but-don’t-really-support-them politicians.

Younger voters are getting more politically aware, serving in combat, and are hugely more tolerant than their parents. That’s why Guiliani leads McCain who leads Romney.

Guiliani is another story, and as a former new yorker in the time of 9/11 I have a lot to say about that, but that’s for a different question :-)

Answer #3

i dont even know where he stands on nething.

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