Are American people racist?

I’m malaysian and I realize that in tis fun advice site…the majority are american…I wonder…are american people racist??? can they accept me??? just asking.. I didn’t blame anybody.. no offense k…

Answer #1

As an American, I think you would absolutely be welcomed here - don’t believe all the negative stuff put out there !

Answer #2

Everyone is racist. It is only that racism is accepted and even lauded when particular ethnicities practice vis-a-vis villified when others exhibit racisms uglier qualities. Example: Many after reading the above will immediately form a mental picture of me as a toothless, barefoot, sunburned hillfolkin with chaw spittle ominously dangling from my chin like a backwoods sword of Damocles. And although one may be accurate, this does speak to one’s own prejudices. People of all stripes are generally haters. They tend to also be cowards, so instead of risking the label “Racist” they find the ethnic group they can abhor without upsetting the mores of whichever clique they fashion themselves a part of and heap undue aspersions and defamations upon them.

Fortunately, Thug016, we are a nation of laws, not men. You are guaranteed rights as a human being that no matter how racist a people we may be, we cannot deny–at least you were guaranteed those rights until the Patriot Acts and Military Commission Acts were enacted. If you want preferential treatment because of your race, unfortunately(for me) that seems to be the goal of the latent ethnocentrists fancying themselves philanthropists engulfing this country today.

The saddest part is that although I have been honest and forthcoming and imparted something not indoctrinated into my bonemarrow from years of puppeted schoolmarms and teen soap operas, I will undoubtedly be chosen as the narrowminded bigot posting here.

What is wrong with race survival? I thought we were all aghast when China annexed Tibet? Aren’t we against the indigenous people in South America being encroached upon by developers? Some like to say we are destined to be a “melting pot.” How is that stew going to taste? I like the idea of cultures in harmony with each other not amalgamated into some corporate idea of humanity, gray and bland.

Answer #3

Once again, why is it that the word racist always applies to white people?! I’ve seem and felt lots of racism from other races. People are so brain washed, that they are lead to believe this hogwash, i.e.. Movies, the media, ect. Countless racist hate crimes take place in this country, daily, but it’s all kept low keyed, because it’s not politically correct to say it was anything other than just a crime… If anyone wants to challange this, let me know, I’ll give you examplies. A 250 pound black woman goes onto a bus and beats a 12 year old white girl till shes a bloody mess, because her daughter said the girl said something racist. She was charges with assault… I shutter to think what would have happen if the woman had been white and the girl black. Two black males rob a store in in Los Vegas. The clerks pregnant wife was playing video pocker, while waiting for her husband to get off work, one of the robbers, on his way out of the door, said, “Get down girl” shot her and killed her and her unborn child. The clerk and his wife were white. I could go on and on, but with the mentality of todays world, I’m sure I’m already being labled a racist…

Answer #4

I’v been to America before, nice country never really faced racism I guess there not racist, but I’v only been to the main cities like NY, FLorida and LA.

Answer #5

I believe you will get a lot of answers saying that we are not racists. To admit this would be admitting a terrible character flaw that not everyone is proud of. I like to think of myself as not being prejudice and accepting of all people no matter their color, sexual preference, race, religion, counrty of origin, age, social status, marital status, career, education, etc. The definition of racism is: ra·cism [ráy sìzzəm] n

  1. animosity toward other races: prejudice or animosity against people who belong to other races “I am a Muslim and … my religion makes me against all forms of racism.” (Malcolm X Speech, Prospects for Freedom 1965)
  2. belief in racial superiority: the belief that people of different races have different qualities and abilities, and that some races are inherently superior or inferior

Just a few short months after the tragic attacks on our country, I was scheduled to fly from Maine to Nashville. As I was sitting in the airport, I became aware of my surroundings. Lots of different kinds of people were traveling that day, but one man in particular stood out. He was wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase. He had black hair and dark skin. He was not a a black gentlemen, but of some middle eastern descent. It was obvious. I immediately became nervous and hoped like hell he was not on my flight. This happened to me because of the way he looked. I assumed he was carrying a bomb in his briefcase. In fact, I scared myself so badly, I almost “reported” him to security for suspicious behaviour. He was not doing anything suspicious, I was basing my idea on the way he looked. He was not of a race I was familiar with. And suddenly I was associating anyone who resembled that man as a terrotist and not having had one conversation with any of these people. Is that not called racial profiling? My husband, being in the military calls this being cautious and aware. Maybe, but I don’t really know. To say America as whole is not racist is just an untruth. The KKK is still strong in some places. There are other people who feel the white race is superior to all others. Even others go as far to say white men are superior to even white women. There are groups against all kinds of races. I like to think the majority of people in my country are not activists in race-related organizations, but to believe that all Americans are not is to turn a blind eye. You should base your opinion on individuals. I love my country and am very proud to be here and it is an honor for me that so many people want to come here. What I have in this country is something to be shared. I am contantly struggling with myself on the inside because I say out loud I am ok with all people, but then on the inside, I find myself thinking if someone chooses to marry someone other their own race, I don’t feel it is right. It is shameful for me to admit this and I need to open my mind more. I need to continue working on myself before I make judgments against others. Come to this country and see what you think and in the mean time, I will still continue working on my ignorance.

Answer #6

I know after living in Japan for four years when we came back to the US I realized how poor our manners are compared to Japanese, same with a few other countries I’ve been to.

Answer #7

the sad thing is anywhere u go ppl r racist som ppl arent but ppl dont like it when u look not racist but som ppl r

Answer #8

well, when you say american do u mean white? if so, well i’m not american but i am born in america. but i wouldnt say that americans are racist

Answer #9

A good friend of mine in College was Malaysian.

Um, apa ke bar? (Indonesian is pretty close to Malay language, ya?) Thanks for signing up.

Answer #10

I think it’s just that we haven’t had many Malaysians around here.

Welcome to the site!

Answer #11

im american and im strongly against racism.

Answer #12

We like people in general. . . . Besides We are the great Melting pot of the races. . .

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