Did the government know 9/11 was going to happen?

The neocons talked for years about how it would take a “new Pearl Harbor” to convince the American people to invade Iraq and try to remake the Middle East in our image.

From all the reports that have been published there were lots of warnings about an impending attack. Did high placed officials squelch the warnings and let the attacks happen so we could go to war in Iraq? What are some good websites to go to for information?

Answer #1

I’ve followed politics / all parties / for years and I’ve never seen this….please post the article/s, quotes, or other information where this can be found, thanks !

The neocons talked for years about how it would take a ‘new Pearl Harbor’ to convince the American people to invade Iraq and try to remake the Middle East in our image.

Answer #2

Project for a New American Century- board members included Rumsfeld, Richard Perle, William Kristol: www.newamericancentury.org/

Overview of PNAC: www.crisispapers.org/Editorials/PNAC-Primer.htm

Answer #3

Seems like @ibrutus has an agenda on this question since he already know the answers :-)

A good book to check out is George Tenet’s (former directory of the CIA) new book coming out later today (monday) in which he alleges that the administration did not seriously internally debate going into Iraq.

Its kinda hard to write off Tenet as a flaming liberal or conspiracy theorist. After all the got the medal of freedom and WAS the director of the CIA in the last 2 administrations. However we should take it all with a grain of salt as he is grinding some axes as well.

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