Politics & Law Questions

  1. Do whites truly like blacks?
  2. Bill O'Reilly explaining US policy to Europe?
  3. What do you think of libertarianism?
  4. Who started World War I?
  5. Equality
  6. Hidden stuff about the Air Force?
  7. Tax refund
  8. Who tnks immigrants supposed to have rights to work on USA
  9. Why do people like Obama?
  10. Obama accomplishments?
  11. Are the current 'no drill' restrictions wise in the US?
  12. Why some people want McCain to win?
  13. Right or wrong to use nuclear weapons in WWlll?
  14. America right or wrong in using atomic bombs in WWII?
  15. Why are 'taxes' constantly pushed but not 'solutions'?
  16. Hillary Clinton
  17. Anyone want Hilary to campaign with Obama?
  18. What do you think of Michael Moore's work?
  19. Who should be president
  20. Why do you think barack will a good president?
  21. Why do people believe what they read online?
  22. Campaign for Obama
  23. America was named after what astronomer?
  24. The Legality Of Stripping
  25. Who the president of the united states was in 1967?
  26. Is anyone glad that Obama won?
  27. Is California more open minded?
  28. When will Hillary concede the nomination?
  29. Why did Hillary not concede ?
  30. Obama rocks, but are you ready?
  31. Cigarette tax in new york
  32. What should we do about our corrupt government?
  33. What do you think of anarchy?
  34. Who here thinks Hillary will take it to "Denver, Denver, Denver' !!
  35. How can the DNC say not all of them count ?
  36. Gas $4+ a gallon...what to think...
  37. Do you see Satan's face in smoke of world trade center?
  38. Burma / Myanmar, should the UN get involved?
  39. Why doesn't McCain support the troops?
  40. Henry Ford's assembly line disadvantage?
  41. Did you know the Nepal monarchy was abolished today?
  42. Should Liz Trotta be fired?
  43. Is Scott McClellan Lying?
  44. Who used the Resolute Desk the most?
  45. Would you agree or disagree ?
  46. Can you answer these 3 questions?
  47. Could war be ended for good?
  48. Should the war in iraq be ended?
  49. Armies in history
  50. Most bigoted or racist democrat in office today?
  51. What year did Princess Diana get married?
  52. Are Marines part of the Navy?
  53. How are poor people Republicans?
  54. Sweden leading the way for an oil free world
  55. Why don't Presidents fight the war?
  56. Supporting the troops
  57. Current Status of "War in Iraq"
  58. Should voter I.d. be required ?
  59. Would you consider them 'disenfranchised' voters ?
  60. Why vote ?
  61. Can you negotiate with terrorists ?
  62. What does freedom in the United States mean to you?
  63. If you live in the US, are you proud of your country?
  64. What do you think of this assessment ?
  65. Who should be able to say the 'n' word?
  66. Did anyone vote in the primaries?
  67. Does anyone have loved ones in the Military?
  68. Black is no longer a race, its a fad: Would you agree?
  69. Do you believe in black & white people words?
  70. Why reduce abortion limits in the UK: 24 weeks reduced to 20
  71. Who was the protical son in the bible?
  72. Who's better, the Army of the Marines?
  73. For or Against amnesty for illegal aliens?
  74. How did Catholicism start from Christianity?
  75. Who was the first black women in the us congress?
  76. Who ran for president in 1872?
  77. Why doesn't anyone care?
  78. What kind of Monsters would be suicide bombers?
  79. When did France become a country?
  80. How can I find free warrant records?
  81. What do you think of hillary Clinton?
  82. Why is suicide illegal?
  83. What were the cold war fears of the american people in the af
  84. What was the ark of the convent in the bible?
  85. What is the smallest country in central america?
  86. What happens at court arrainment?
  87. What does it mean to be a Democrat or a Republican?
  88. Obama in trouble!
  89. Are any Catholic politicians pro-life?
  90. I have some ideas for politics
  91. Shouldn't Bush finally acknowledge his grandfather's actions?
  92. Do we sell any or all the oil we pump in alaska to china?
  93. Difference between Conservatives and Liberals?
  94. Should McCain be held accountable for the nonsense of John Hagee...
  95. Do you blame Bush for the last 8 years?
  96. What is the definition of the Hokkien word "Cheebye"
  97. BB Gun laws in the UK
  98. Was the euro a good or bad idea?
  99. Political titles - 'Liberal'
  100. Good idea or bad idea for America ?