What does it mean to be a Democrat or a Republican?

I was a Republican, but , due to recent political events, changed my affliliation to Democrat. It was a short while after, when I was talking with my sister about what party she would join next year, that it occured to me that I had no idea what either party stands for. I would like some insight to help me choose rather than just choosing because someone I like for president, or other political office, is of that party, or just to make my dad angry.

Answer #1

The simple answer to that question is Democrat: Believe that the government is responsible. Republican: Believe that the citizen is responsible.

Answer #2

Wow. Amazing views.

I agree with Obama mainly, but to agree with McCain on some views. As I’m English you probably want to tell me to ‘do one’ but it really interests me. Which English politics don’t, by the way!

I’m really hanging in for Obama, he seems to five a sh*t about America and not about what people want him to think, easy for me to day though when in not ‘directly’ involved.

Good luck America, I look forward to the results! x

Answer #3

Wow what a great answer Stephie.

I was going to make a comment on how things used to be.. use to and still in some areas today. If your family was say…Republican you stayed a Republican. I was told when I was 9 years old by my Great-grandmother that she was a Republican and that would make me one. You were born into your party. I have stayed such all my life.

The above really makes since if you think about. If you are raised in a home that teaches certain values and thoughts, you will most likely grow up with those thoughts and values.

Answer #4

ps sorry for the spelling mistakes, apple phone check isn’t great!!

Answer #5

stepannief987 and the rest of you are obviously liberal thinking socialism loving and none of you have any idea of what Republicanism is. By the way, I don’t blame you because most Republicans don’t seem to understand it either. Just in case you didn’t know, our government is a Republic, not a Democracy. Republicans believe in small government, low taxes and individual responsibility. We do not force anyone to pray, but believe anyone who wants to do so should have the right to do so in whatever way they like as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others. Our Constitution guarantees the right to own a gun and the reason for this is to protect us if our government gets out of control like the Brittish government did to the colonists. We believe in individual responsiblity, in other words, it is up to us to earn a living and not be supported by the government. We believe in letting the people who earned the money keep it, not taking it from them and giving to someone else who did not work for it. We believe in the Constitution of the United States (at least we Ron Paul Republicans do). I do understand the confusion, however, since I see absolutely no difference between most Republicans and Democracts. As far as Democracts wanting to reduce the military that is a lot of BS, Obama is escalating the war right now. Yes, he is removing troops from Iraq, but he is sending them to Afghanistan. I suggest we ignore party labels and pay very close attention to values and ideology expressed by each candidate. If you love freedom and individual liberty you will educate yourself on our Constitution and don’t fall for the lie that the government needs to take care of our every need.

Some Republicans want to outlaw abortion and some believe that is up to the woman. However, we do not believe taxpayers dollars should be used to fund them.

I suggest you read “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand and maybe you will understand why socialism/communism does not work and that our country is following a socialist agenda.

Answer #6

USA is in the cross hairs of patiant minds within it’s own population and abroad. A new political party is in need and in fact is developing because of the stress - survivel of the fittest overcome by the patiant- Things are ah changing and you still refuse to see- Do the deceived know their deceived- Yes, worry because of the soul you lived- And when you cry load in the darkness for understanding be patiant for answer and vision - it will come- Home is where the hart is - don’t look to the stars but keep hope, with no pride in title and humble within this vastness- It’s actually & naturally simple - ask any child that has not been abused.

Answer #7

the differents is a republican works for a liveing.

Answer #8

We believe in letting the people who earned the money keep it, not taking it from them and giving to someone else who did not work for it.

–This is exactly why I don’t believe in the Republican way of thinking. Well, rather ONE of the reasons. Who are you to say that the rich should get richer as they sleep their way to the top or con their way somewhere, when the slowly diminishing middle class works two or three jobs to support their families and can’t get ahead in life. These people who actually WENT to school, have degrees they EARNED (working two jobs through a full time class load)…but apparently, according to your Republican mindset, they did not work for it… Republicans tend to be closed-minded fascists who try to control the lives of everyone, and not care about anyone but themselves. Proven point: Rush Limbough…I don’t know if I spelled his name correctly, NOR do I care. They claim to be the most “Christ like” party as the majority are deep southern Baptists - but did Christ not say LET ME BE THE ONE TO JUDGE. If that’s the case, let people be FREE in America to do what they please. If it’s wrong in the eyes of our Lord, they will receive theirs in the end, am I right? Republicans are quick to judge and quick with the tongue.

Does not really act towards your question, just thought I would add my two cents.

Answer #9

We believe in letting the people who earned the money keep it, not taking it from them and giving to someone else who did not work for it.

–This is exactly why I don’t believe in the Republican way of thinking. Well, rather ONE of the reasons. Who are you to say that the rich should get richer as they sleep their way to the top or con their way somewhere, when the slowly diminishing middle class works two or three jobs to support their families and can’t get ahead in life. These people who actually WENT to school, have degrees they EARNED (working two jobs through a full time class load)…but apparently, according to your Republican mindset, they did not work for it…

Answer #10

stepannief987 and the rest of you are obviously liberal thinking socialism loving and none of you have any idea of what Republicanism is. By the way, I don’t blame you because most Republicans don’t seem to understand it either. Just in case you didn’t know, our government is a Republic, not a Democracy. Republicans believe in small government, low takes and individual responsibility. We do not force anyone to pray, but believe anyone who wants to do so should have the right to do so in whatever way they like as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others. Our Constitution guarantees the right to own a gun and the reason for this is to protect us if our government gets out of control like the Brittish government did to the colonists. We believe in individual responsiblity, in other words, it is up to us to earn a living and not be supported by the government. We believe in letting the people who earned the money keep it, not taking it from them and giving to someone else who did not work for it. We believe in the Constitution of the United States (at least we Ron Paul Republicans do). I do understand the confusion, however, since I see absolutely no difference between most Republicans and Democracts. As far as Democracts wanting to reduce the military that is a lot of BS, Obama is escalating the war right now. Yes, he is removing troops from Iraq, but he is sending them to Afghanistan. I suggest we ignore party labels and pay very close attention to values and ideology expressed by each candidate. If you love freedom and individual liberty you will educate yourself on our Constitution and don’t fall for the lie that the government needs to take care of our every need. I also suggest you read “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand

Answer #11

It depends on your personal thoughts. Take a look at these examples, and you decide which one you agree with more.

Abortion: Democrats: It’s the woman’s right to choose and should therefore be legal Republicans: It should not be legal and the government should restrict it as such.

Gun Control Laws: Democrats: More gun control laws are needed to address a seemly growing problem with guns Republicans: Oppose more gun control laws, citing that it’s not what the Constitution calls for.

Discrimination: Democrats: It’s up to the government to step in and provide a “net” to victims of this practice Republicans: Strong anti-discrimination laws are unnecessary. People have morals, as they say, and should be given the benefit of the doubt

Military: Democrats: Prefers a decrease military spending. This party also likes to utilize NATO and the UN; never wanting to truly go in “alone” on world issues. Republicans: They are known for increasing military spending. They also tend to want to stand alone when dealing with NATO and the United Nations.

Gay Rights: Democrats: Usually for gays rights and believe it’s apart of their civil rights to be with whom ever they choose. Republicans: Tend to hold the view that marriage should be between people of the opposite sex, not the same.

Minimum Wage: Democrats: Favor the workers and always seem to support minimum wage hikes. Republicans: Don’t normally favor minimum wage increases because they say is hurts businesses.

Death Penalty: Democrats: Does not agree with taking someone’s life as a means of discipline. Republicans: The death penalty is necessary to curb violent crimes.

Prayer in schools: Democrats: There should be a separation between church and state Republicans: It’s apart of our nation’s culture to place prayer in school and keep it that way.

Flag Burning: Democrats: Flag burning is acceptable because it falls under freedom of speech Republicans: Flag burning is unacceptable and is not what the constitution intended.

Natural Environment: Democrats: The environment need to be protect and it’s the government’s job to enforce laws against harming the environment Republicans: Have some environment laws but don’t make them too strong, could do more harm than good.

Taxes: Democrats: The people with the most money should pay the most taxes, tax increases are mostly good. Republicans: the entire economy can benefit if taxes remain relatively low, tax cuts are the way to go.

All information from: http://www.socyberty.com/Politics/Republican-vs-Democrat-Party.26634

Answer #12

it means that you have bought into the plan of the central banks plan to maintain control of the united stated and the world!

Answer #13

Thats bs magichalo1. I grew up in a home where my parents were extremely conservative. I am the complete opposite. I think it is the weak person that can’t break the cycle of conservative thinking that their parents dictated to them.

The basic difference between the two is simple. In general Democrats are progressive thinkers, who are constantly looking for change in an ever changing world. Republicans are conservative thinkers, who constanly trying to “conserve’ their backwards ideals in an ever changing world. Basically, Democrats look forward, and republicans look backward.

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