Who should be able to say the 'n' word?

who should be able 2 say nigg* should only black people be able 2 say it

Answer #1

I think that no one should say the “n” word because it’s very disrespectful towards African Americans. When African Americans say it to each other, they are disrespecting themselves. It’s a raciast word, so it should NEVER BE SAID BY ANYONE.

Answer #2

I think w all should be able to but if a white person says it they all get upset bout it, im not raciest or anything but I dont think they should jump down our throats then turn around start callin their buddies that…thats just my opionion I do understand its their word and all but the color of someone shouldn allow you to say certain words

Answer #3

no I dont get offended when I get called a cracker. crackers are awsome. if they can call each other that so can we.

Answer #4

djwager: “uuhhh well no offence to anybody but it was a name given to slaves so I think even coloured people with respect for the ancestors …”

If you don’t want to offend someone, I suggest you not refer to affrican americans as “coloured”. And the canadian spelling doesn’t make the term any better.

And toadaly is spot on. The n-word should never be used by anyone unless you want to be considered ignorant, stupid, or both.

Answer #5

Also let me just help everyone understand something…

An African American is not every Black person…African’s are from Africa, a White person living in Africa, born and raised, is an African. And believe me, there are tons of white people living in Africa, and their having babies and their babies are living an African life style. So lets throw out the term African American(as all black people), unless an African comes to American and lives here for the rest of their life, then you can use the proper term “AFRICAN AMERICAN”

Answer #6

so history lesson and maybe this will help you out. the term nier originated from the word negro. the color of the skin tone of african slaves back when. due to the southern drawl of slave owners at the time the term ‘nig ga’ came to be. from that idiotic white people have coined the phrase nigg as a racial slur to blacks of this country. so do white people have the right to say that? well do you get offended when a black person calls you honkey or cracker? if so then that is probably your answer. also, black people shouldn’t even use it so much as it disgraces their own race when they use it as a word to call each other. don’t you love ignorance?

Answer #7

I dont think anyone should be able to use the “n” word. NowandDay it is so freely spoken that millions are using it reguardless of their race and not always in a negative way. I’ve heard it used as a greeting.. example “Whats up my ni*a” and black people aren’t the only ones greeting each other in this fashion. America has become so relaxed with using this word that the meaning has totally changed. It is still a very ignorant word but so is Motherfcka and Son of a b*tch. Get my point!

Answer #8

its the other and word thats considered a bit more offensive its really a word that black people use to call other black people like white people have a lot of words they use to call each other when a white person says it to a black person it could go either way but in this society its not really a good name to use its only disrespectful or racist if you use it the wrong way if you use to offend someone, or say the word in a bad way against someone then thats wrong

Answer #9

uuhhh well no offence to anybody but it was a name given to slaves so I think even coloured people with respect for the ancestors and those who had to go through it shouldnt really be saying it, it seems disrespectful… but who am I to judge in white, it doesnt bother me in songs or on the street, like I wont say anything but its how I feel… Even though they reserve the right to say it over everybody!

Answer #10

Everyone should be allowed to say it, but that doesn’t mean they should say it.

Answer #11

No one should say it. I find it very disrepectful

Answer #12


Answer #13

NOBODY should EVER say it it’s 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 % DISRESPECTFUL!!!

Answer #14

thanks everyone for the answers

Answer #15

Everyone should be allowed to say it, but there’s rarely use for it in polite conversation regardless of how much melatonin you have.

Answer #16

As much as people think it is disrespectful, I think NO ONE should say it. :)

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