For or Against amnesty for illegal aliens?

Pelosi is in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens, would you be for it or against it and why ?

Answer #1

I think we sometimes forget the sovernity of a nation and bypass/ignore that country’s long established system to admit persons who desire to migrate into that country….many millions have respected that country’s long established laws and willingly complied and assimilated into that society the legal way….if one enters the country in other than the legal way, the proper term would be, they entered ‘illegally’….without question BOTH are people. One cannot ignore these facts.


Answer #2

Against…not against “legal immigration”…the kind that everybody from every OTHER country has to do…but my experience (and I’m old!)…I haven’t met a soul who truly appreciated something they didn’t have to work for… amnesty makes it free…


Answer #3

I am against amnesty. One cannot bend the laws of our country simply because so many come here and break them To reward people because they break the law en mass is to spit on everything Americans believe and have built. I am sorry Latin America is so disfunctional…blame Spain, not America. Pelosi is such a Socialist ,and she does not represent the mindset of most Americans…plus she is very rich. Why don’t limousine liberals give away all their assetts to their pet causes, and leave the rest of us alone.

Answer #4

I’m a proud immigrant who loves this country. I pay enormous taxes :-)

I think we sometimes forget the human component. People are not just “illegals”, they are people. Most of us come in contact with immigrants every day of our lives, and once you get to know people it makes a big difference.

What are the options to throw out 13 million people from he country?

  • Become a police state to do it
  • Mistakenly throw out citizens and legal residents who look and speak like immigrants
  • Throw out the children who were born here with their parents (contrary to the constitution)

The most recent polls show that a majority of americans (in excess of 55%) will agree to some kind of amnesty for those here over a certain number of years and have proven to contribute to the society. You can’t ignore those numbers.

Answer #5

Against. All the European descended people living in the US should be shipped back to their country of origin :) My family came over in the 1670’s, however, we’re still immigrants. So, we should all be sent back where we belong - lol.

On a serious note though, illegal aliens are a huge resource drain - the jobs they perform typically are ones that, given no alternative to cheap labor, would pay more - stuff like housekeeping, light manufacturing, agriculture, etc.

Years ago, I worked at a social services center - essentially helping illegal immigrants find jobs & “fit in” with the system. They paid taxes, kids went to the schools here, etc…but while they paid taxes, I can’t help but think without that pool of labor to draw upon, the whole economic situation of those industries would appear very different.

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