Why did Hillary not concede ?

I heard a commentator on TV this morning give the opinion it seemed as if Hillary, in her speech, was essentially attempting to ‘blackmail’ Obama into giving her the VP - She only congratulated Obama on the race he had “run” not “won” - I don’t think there’s any way, Michelle + Hillary + Barack + Bill, add up to a Happy Family - What do you think of Hillary not gracefully conceding the Democratic primary to Barack Obama even after he effectively clinched the nomination ?

Answer #1

I think you should stop listening to Hannity. He is nothing but a knuckledragging, race baiting, homophobic lying SOB!!

And his name is spelled O B A M A !!

Are you unable to spell his name correctly?

Answer #2

I agree that an Obama/Edwards ticket would be good and help to bring in the south. I have been thinking that it might be Sebelius or Janet Napolitano.

Answer #3

I’m not sure why Hillary didn’t conceed but, I’m sure that Obomma was glad to clinch the nomonation so he could win over her. I’m glad that Hillary didn’t conceed. I knew that she wasn’t going to make it anyway, and, pluss, this country wasn’t ready to nommonate a woman for president. I’m listening to Sean Hannity and, I’m hearing a speech by Obomma attacking MCaine when I was hearing that MCaine is praising Hillary and Obomma and he’s starting to be friendly with them both. I don’t know if you heard or seen the results last night but, I’m glad that Hillary is out!! Aluluia!! Now!! we need to stop the ratticle Obomma express as Sean Hannity quotes.

Answer #4

I agree with Carter

Answer #5

Nice job of stooping to name-calling - reflects more about the poster than the person being attacked - I notice her post contained none - one could make the observation: You Hate Well - come on, you’re better than that - all because someone doesn’t believe as you - namecalling is not necessary.

Answer #6

Carter has chimed in: Barack Obama should not pick Hillary Clinton as his vice-presidential nominee, former president Jimmy Carter has told the Guardian. — “I think it would be the worst mistake that could be made,” said Carter. “That would just accumulate the negative aspects of both candidates.” Link Search: Ask, Technorati, Sphere, Google, and IceRocket

Answer #7

I did not call goodgirl any names. And if you are offended by me calling Hannity names, then I sugest you just don’t read it. That man is one disgusting human being, and every word out of his mouth is verbal diareah. I sometimes think he is even worse than Blimpaugh.

Answer #8

I agree she is just trying to use it as leverage, for either the VP spot or whatever else she may be looking for.

It may not work for her, since he is already being viewed as the nominee. If she doen’t concede soon, it won’t matter what she thinks. The general election has already started.

Answer #9

The only reason I can see for Obama to name Ms. Clinton as his running mate is to pick up as many of her supporters as he can. Many of her supporters said that if Clinton doesn’t win they will vote for McCain or not vote. Clinton’s supporters are not necessarily liberal ideologues; remember that her husband’s presidency was quite conservative. He cut federal spending, eliminated entire federal agencies and streamlined others, deregulated several industries, pushed GAT and NAFTA and scaled back entitlement programs. No doubt some of Clinton’s supporters will not switch to Obama not because he is male or black, but because he is too liberal for them.

Of course Gore named Democrat in name only Joe Liberman as his running mate to attract more conservative voters so Obama could use this trick as well.

I think John Edwards is more on message than Ms. Clinton. To me a Obama Edwards ticket woudl be a good one. Mother Jones mentions Governor of Kanas Kathleen Sebelius as a possibility since her message is similar to Obama’s and she won her Governorship over a Republican rival in a red state.

Answer #10

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