Why some people want McCain to win?

Please explain why McCain and not Obama?

Answer #1

wut yall talkin bout obama is an american he was born in hawaii yall might need 2 start doin a lil more research before yall pat judgment besides if he was a foreigner he wouldnt have got nearly as far as he did

Answer #2

I don’t have my thots strait now bt I go 4 mccain now that there aint no more hillary… thers something bout obama that I just don’t like… I disagree with some of his points… his way of thinking…

Answer #3

well I choose mcain he has supported a lot of latinos foundations Obama I havent seen him do one thing for the latino community

Answer #4

obama is inexperienced, unreliable, unrealistic and way to pacifist for starters. On tip of all that he is a democrat. It is impossible to get into all of the details but if you want security in the US and an attempt at becoming even a little less dependent on forign oil then you had better vote McCain. I don’t think there is any chance in hell obama will even get close. There are way to many hilary supporters that are crossing over just to keep him out. Among a million other things

Answer #5

Jax right on!! I dont see Obama as an American

And from the many people I’ve talked to, mostly Obama supporters

they’re motives for voting for him = just wow

Answer #6

Wow yeah. The level of ignorance here is astounding.

Obama isn’t Muslim. He went to a Christian school.

He does say the pledge. He was sworn in with a Bible. You people need to seriously do some research and NOT just believe what other misinformed people tell you is the truth.

See these threads for actual evidence: http://www.funadvice.com/q/does_this_reflect_pride_or_distain http://www.funadvice.com/q/barrack_hussein_obama http://www.funadvice.com/q/barrack_obama_and_the_57_states_of

Answer #7

There are a lot of different reasons why some people want McCain to win instead of Obama.

I want McCain to win, because I am a REPUBLICAN. Yes, I live in the South, but that doesn’t make me racist. I can’t help where I was born…it just so happens that I’m stuck here and I can’t stand the ignorant, hypocritical, racist people.

How does refusing to say the Pledge mean you aren’t a true American?

I don’t say the Pledge, because I think it’s kind of pointless. I can still be a true American, whether I say the Pledge or not.

Not saying that I am a true American. :S

Answer #8

Obama will not say the Pledge of Allegiance which makes me feel like he is not american. He is against people carrying guns which I am for.

Answer #9

wow I have a lot of ‘issues’ with your comment conceal3d

America is not ready for this Half AFRICAN/white guy

god forbid…

but I’d deal with McCain anyday over Obama and I’m black

applause oh im sorry that IS what you wanted right?

President ‘Obama’ - a foreign sounding name

thats like saying “my god whats next those damn brown folk starting to read!?”

which brings me to my next highly legit point…

*my God,whats next

hmm I dont think I trust this ‘God’ that you speak of… I mean I don’t know hes seems like hes ‘all hat and no cattle’

“and thats why you never tell a retarded person he can do whatever he wants when he grows up”–Daniel Tosh

Answer #11

absolutely JAX

Answer #12

U cant forget the racist south… Lotsa people wouldnt vote for him just because his skin color unfortunately…

Answer #13

I agree with loulou11. There is no way I can trust a man as leader of this country that cant respect America and the pepole who died for her enough to Pledge Allegiance. That is disgrcaceful, and unacceptable. No amount of talk about “change” will divert my eyes from this fact. I don’t care if his religion or personal beliefs keep him from saying it, but I cannot look at Obama and see an American.

Now I’m no politician, not by a longshot. But I still know that any man who would take the legacy of the brave people who sacrificed their lives for the good of this land into their heart, does not deserve th privillage of being called an American.

Answer #14

True American?? What is this bull! I don’t say the pledge either and I know I’m a true american. I’m a native american, so I know I am. It’s really hard for me to choose who I would vote for but so far my bet is going on Mccain when election time comes around because:

Obama wants to pull ALL troops out of Iraq…what? If he does that, do you know what will happen. If any of those surrounding countries have the bomb they say they have, they could kill a grea amount of people, he really wants to take that risk? Mccain knows more about war and politics than Obama, Obama IS inexeperienced only on the part for war, because

  1. He’s never been to war
  2. He has never been a POW like Mccain was.

Mccain knows how these things work.

And I like Obama, I really do. But I figure he would have to be really protected, because there are still some racist people in this country, no matter what people say about how this country has changed on how they view black people. There will still be someone stupid enough to try and assasinate him, I don’t want that, and I don’t think our country wants that.

That is just my opinion.

Answer #15

I don’t know. Different beliefs and regaurds. Like because of the color of their skin some people might not vote for Obama. ( I can’t believe it either that people still do that to people) Mccain is older and wiser, he’s been through much more than him. Like have you heard about that commercial he shot on T.V? It was about how he and his close friends and realitives fought in battles and wars. It just depends on what certain people who are allowed to vote think. Matter of opinion. See ya.

Answer #16

I don’t have my thots strait now bt I go 4 mccain now that there aint no more hillary… thers something bout obama that I just don’t like… I disagree with some of his points… his way of thinking…

Answer #17

I cannot beleive the level of ignorance being shown on some of these posts.

Barack Obama IS NOT A MUSLIM! Not that it would matter if he was.

Barack Obama DOES SAY THE PLEDGE! He stands when saying it and holds his hand over his heart. He also sings along with the Star Spangled Banner.

You people need to stop taking a chain email at face value. Go to snopes.com if you want to see the truth about any of these bogus claims about Obama.

“obama is inexperienced, unreliable, unrealistic and way to pacifist for starters. On tip of all that he is a democrat. It is impossible to get into all of the details but if you want security in the US and an attempt at becoming even a little less dependent on forign oil then you had better vote McCain. I don’t think there is any chance in hell obama will even get close. There are way to many hilary supporters that are crossing over just to keep him out. Among a million other things”

Jag, this is all utter nonsense. I will take Obama’s inexperience over McCains experience anyday. What good is experience when you constantly show bad judgement. Wanting to get us out of Iraq does not make Obama a pacifist. I don’t think a pacifist would say he is willing to go into pakistan to hunt down OBL. You remember him, right? The guy who attacked us on 9/11 that Bush has completely given up on getting. You think old man McCoot will make us more secure by continuing Bush policies. Those policies have left us far more vulnerable than we were even before 9/11, as evidenced by the last couple of Nation Intelligence Estimates. And you are in denial if you think Obama has no chance of winning. The latest poll out since the primary ended shows Obama way ahead in all of the categories that hillary was beating him in. Working class people, women, hispanics, catholics, independents. Among all voters he is ahead 47 to 41, which is outside the margin of error. Among those who voted for hillary he is ahead 61-19. So I don’t think your predictions are supported by the facts.

Answer #18

Okay first of all I love to argue so here it goes…

Lots of people disregard Obama because he’s black or has muslim beliefs… What’s so bad about that? He is most certainly not unreliable, inexperienced, or unrealistic. He’s not pacifist, everyone knows he’s not just going to let people take over our country without a fight. He’s not stupid, he’s been in office for a while he know’s how to deal with very tough situations. Why wont Obama get close? All McCain wants to do is RELY on foreign oil and stay in war that’s leading to nowhere. Who cares if his name is foreign? My Name is french, what if I run for president Im not going to get into office because of my name? No that’s just a very stupid excuse. McCain is not for latino’s by any means necessary, he wants to put up a huge wall against the mexican border… What’s a wall going to do? I say nata, zip, zero, nothing. He’s the ONLY Candidate who say’s he wants change. A good change, a GREAT change… If he doesn’t recite the pledge of allegiance that’s his decision, it is disrespectful to our flag it’s very hypocritical to judge that already. I’m 100% sure SOME people at baseball games don’t put their hands over their hearts during the national anthem or take their hats off. People my school don’t even stand up during the pledge of allegiance. It doesn’t mean they’re not true americans and I don’t think it’s right to be that judgemental over something im sure everybody has done in their lives.

Answer #19

If you’re a fundamentalist of either party - democrat or republican - then you vote the party line…the number of voters who cross party lines is a very small percentage.

:) So, depending on you political affiliation, you’ll vote that way, irregardless of who the front runner or nominee is.

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