Politics & Law Questions

  1. where do you think osama bin laden is
  2. Military question
  3. Canadian Rape?
  4. How much is amreica worth
  5. terrorism websites
  6. What is Palin good at?
  7. Is Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's recent policy a good thing or bad thing for peace ?
  8. True or False: All is fair in love and war?
  9. How did you find his speech???
  10. How did hezbollah
  11. If the war is between
  12. Can I get a Hardship License at the age of 14?
  13. ACORN Can you explain what it's all about?
  14. Oscar Goodman out of his mind?
  15. think that USA has a really bad IMMIGRATION problem?
  16. Why would BHO petition the court to protect four Saudi Arabian princes from being held accountable in the acts of 9/11?
  17. Max Wage 1964 abolishment?
  18. His stupefying immenseness obama
  19. Voting age
  20. North Korea
  21. Weed legal?!
  22. Why don't Americans respond?
  23. Names of people in military
  24. think that Fox Network reports the news and covers the issues
  25. I have a Question about Obomas children
  26. Virginia Laws
  27. Less severe forms of torture
  28. Why cannabis sativa or "pot" is illegal in the u.s
  29. corrupted leaders
  30. Presidents phone number?
  31. Which party has enabled technological progress more?
  32. Are there any circumstances where a pre-emptive strike would ever be wise ?
  33. Obama while in the Illinois senate voted to with-hold life
  34. who thinks obama is a socialist
  35. What are the reforms that hs to be done in our political system
  36. Is a nuclear-armed Iran acceptable ?
  37. political guru
  38. Which president had the easiest term
  39. Confederates the good guys or the bad guys?
  40. The rebel flag
  41. infamous leaders
  42. Too much spending
  43. American citizenship
  44. Should we have gone to Iraq?
  45. reason for transfering Capital of Pakistan from Karachi to Islamaba
  46. chance of cyprus to be joined in shengen states of europion union
  47. Communist/socialist parties? 1960-Now
  48. How was ecuadors independence gained?
  49. Ron Paul, Republican, Says States Have Right to Legalize Pot??
  50. Affirmative action
  51. National fuel standards not worthy of asking about?
  52. Why 'reduce' if there's nothing wrong ?
  53. Gun Control
  54. Women in Combat.
  55. Should we stop the War??
  56. Race Hate ?
  57. What are we teaching.
  58. Women&Men At War
  59. How much longer can the massive spending and debt expansion go on in America?
  60. ...*WorldPeace*...?
  61. Greed leaders
  62. Why do people get into wars?
  63. think our troops our getting the help they should for P.T.S.D..
  64. What is a fob
  65. Peace in Middle-East
  66. Should a warrant be required for police to use GPS to track people's movements?
  67. How doses obomas wife doses her job so good,excellent?
  68. Obama at Notre Dame
  69. Is Israel a Zionist or a Jewish State?
  70. Marijuana is illegal?
  71. Do you believe in...abortion capital punishment?
  72. Should a driver be stopped for having a bumper sticker that reads "Don't Tread On Me"?
  73. Who's being honest about the use of harsh interrogation tactics against al-Qaeda prisoners?
  74. Why So Much Hate
  75. Civil War in the U.S.
  76. What does this flag mean???
  77. Vehicle Impound Laws
  78. The Iraqi War.
  79. What is being done to stop Taliban Terrorists from obtaining Pakistan's nuclear weapons?
  80. 911- was it an inside job?
  81. Is it a good idea not to have a White House ceremony in observance of the National Day of Prayer?
  82. War in iraq
  83. Obama questions
  84. Unfair system
  85. Is it against the law to send naked pictures on a cell phone if we are both under 18?
  86. rather have as a president Obama or Bush??
  87. who was the first man to receive a Medal Of Honor?
  88. US car giant saved by Fiat
  89. who did you vote 4 in the election and why?
  90. Why should taxpayers have to pay thousands of dollars for a photo-op?
  91. Law enforcement increasing?
  92. 100 days for Obama
  93. Unabomber?
  94. Tea Party
  95. Hitler
  96. The goverment is using us
  97. Is a painting of Obama wearing a crown of thorns a fair portrayal??
  98. Why is the government spending so much unnecessarily?
  99. How does obama do his job so good?
  100. fluoride is nuclear waste byproduct