
Okay, I have a bunch of questions about him 1-What kind of dream/hope/goal did he have in mind? 2-Who exactly was he against? Non germans in general, or just the Jews?? 3-Why do some people look up to him? what do they see in him?

Answer #1

Thats terrible, thats horrific =S beyong human understanding ..

Answer #2

Never realized he captured so many POW’s. Well done Utopia, best answer.

Answer #3

Thanks utopia, that was very helpful, but what about the polish? & the rest of the europeans?

Answer #4

independentchick : there was no “armenian genocide.” The Armenians of WWI Ottoman Empire rebelled and sided with the enemy, while their nation was besieged on all sides by superior powers (Russia, England, France) out to divide the “Sick Man” between themselves. The Ottomans relocated this dangerous community until the danger was past. Most Armenians died non-murderously, from famine and disease, the same causes that killed most of the other near-3 million Ottoman Muslims who died. (Even the soldiers.) The Armenians lost their gamble and made a genocide out of it, because genocide is politically and financially rewarding. Those in the West are prejudiced against Turks, and accept this massive genocide campaign overwhelmingly, without asking questions. Please read and investigate before you sheepishly accept what you hear, especially when the charge is so damaging and serious. To prove genocide, you need evidence for “intent,” and none exists here. Prof. Guenter Lewy investigated and found none in his book, “The Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey: A Disputed Genocide.”

The Armenians conducted an extermination campaign of their own while in possession of the eastern part of the Ottoman Empire, with and later without their Russian allies, from 1914-1919. They murdered hundreds of thousands of defenseless women, children and elderly, as most Ottoman men were away fighting the war. You don’t know about this because no political and well-financed campaign exists telling you about it, unlike the massive Armenian propaganda campaign. .

Answer #5

Now that I googled. The rest I already knew.

Answer #6

Raphael Lemkin was a Polish lawyer of Jewish descent. Before World War II, Lemkin was interested in the Armenian Genocide and campaigned in the League of Nations to ban what he called “barbarity” and “vandalism”. He is best known for his work against genocide, a word he coined in 1943 from the root words genos (Greek for family, tribe or race) and -cide (Latin for killing). He first used the word in print in Axis Rule in Occupied Europe: Laws of Occupation - Analysis of Government - Proposals for Redress (1944).

Answer #7

Wow, thanks, you’re good, hehe No really, thank you, that was very helpful!

Answer #8

Wasn’t it created when the armenian genocide took place?

Answer #9

Lol I dont like 200 facts on Hitler. and forgotten them all alredy :O Just google The Questions Enit Good luck :)

hitlers goal - Domination of Europe and ultimately the world - bascialy to rule the world.. .. just the Jews.

Because he was a very powerful man!.

Answer #10
  1. Hitler came into power during an economic crisis, the great depression. He promised the german people a strong economy, food, jobs, etc. His slogan was “Freedom and bread”. He also promised to restore German pride. The current government was incapable of making decisions and Hitler presented as a strong leader.

  2. Hitler’s main focus was on the jews but many other groups, mentally and physically handicapped, homosexuals, gypsies, slavs, jehovah’s witnesses all suffered under his rule.

  3. Hitler accomplished many positive things in his first years such as a transportation infrastructure for Germany, employment for germans, etc. Many germans were willing to overlook his treatment of the jews because they felt he was good for the country. Today, many people still look to Hitler as a visionary. He is the symbol of racism, cruelty and inhumanity and many neo-nazis, skinheads and ignorant racists embrace his ideals.

Answer #11

hitler hated jews, gypsies, and homosexuals he thought that blonde hair and blue eyed people were the best and should rule

Answer #12

Most of his focus on Poland was increasing German land. He thought the Poles were less than Germans but better than jews. The majority of jews killed were from Poland. Before the holocaust, Poland had approx. 3,300,000 jews. After the holocaust - there were only 300,000. Of the 6 million jews exterminated 3 million were polish jews.

Breakdown of those killed - Jews 5.9 million
Soviet POWs 2–3 million Ethnic Poles 1.8–2 million Romani 220,000–1,500,000 Disabled 200,000–250,000
Freemasons 80,000–200,000
Homosexuals 5,000–15,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses 2,500–5,000

Answer #13

so what is holocaust??? and I heard a lot about his camps, about recruiting kids or something, whats all that about?

Answer #14

The holocaust refers to the genocide of the European jews. There were different types of camps, work and death, some did both. In the work camps the prisoners were used for free labor. They were tortured and starved. When they were too old/weak/young to work they were sent to death camps. Death camps were exactly what they sound like. They were camps that developed very efficient ways to murder and dispose of millions of people. Many were killed by gas, many were shot. Most of the bodies were cremated with the ashes used to fertilize the fields. Many bodies were buried in mass graves. The prisoners usually dug the graves and threw the bodies in, they also, through force, operated the ovens used for cremation. The major death camps were located in Poland - Auschwitz II (Auschwitz-Birkenau) Chełmno Bełżec Majdanek Sobibór Treblinka The camps were located in Poland because most of the victims were polish jews, less transport miles and it removed the camps from german view, also it got the jews out of the better part of Europe and put them with the Poles and Slavs.

Hitler had a group of teens and pre-teens called the Hitler Youth. Young nazis in training. They were encouraged to turn in their family and neighbors for anti-nazi behavior.

Medical research was performed on many of the camp prisoners. Surgery was performed while the “patient” was awake. Pregnant women had their legs tied together so they could not deliver and would die from the inability to deliver. The doctors put bleach into eyes to try to bleach them into being lighter. Some were skinned while alive and their skin was used to make lamp shades. Many who died were boiled and made into soap.

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