Should a warrant be required for police to use GPS to track people's movements?

MADISON, Wis. - Wisconsin police can attach GPS to cars to secretly track anybody’s movements without obtaining search warrants, an appeals court ruled Thursday. However, the District 4 Court of Appeals said it was “more than a little troubled” by that conclusion and asked Wisconsin lawmakers to regulate GPS use to protect against abuse by police and private individuals. As the law currently stands, the court said police can mount GPS on cars to track people without violating their constitutional rights – even if the drivers aren’t suspects - Is this a good idea or bad idea and should a warrant be required ?

Answer #1

cancersurvivor… please, you actually don’t think that FDR started the depression.

Answer #2

From the GNSS website … So, the Bush legacy on GPS comprises a mixed result: solid improvement in international cooperation and a promising start at interagency coordination of PNT activities. 31 GPS satellites in orbit, including six modernized Block IIR spacecraft (IIR-M) with a second civil signal (L2C) capability and a third civil signal (L5) to appear next year; the Next Generation GPS Control Segment (OCX) contract in hand and a billion-dollar program under way for Block IIIA satellites without selective availability. Meanwhile, GPS positioning accuracy has nearly doubled in terms of reduced signal-in-space user range error since 2001. Today, GPS has the place of honor in a new National Security Policy Directive; a high-level Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Executive Committee with an international advisory board; a National Coordination Office facilitating consensus across executive agencies on GPS activities; and a national PNT architecture project, proposed by a 2005 Defense Science Board (DSB) task force on the Future of GPS, that is planning 20 years into the future.

This action can be traced to the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act can be traced to George W. Bush.

Thank you George for supplying the boots needed to trample our rights.

Answer #3

Where’s the change? All I have see is the same thing, big spending but on a much greater level. No change as promised. Lobbist in his administration, no change he lied on this one as well. Transparency in government, campaign promise was 5 days to view all bills on the internet for the american taxpayer before any voting on the bill, but the stimulas bill was drafted at midnignt and voting began at 9 am the next morning, no change another lie. And we just had to pass this stimulas bill because we might not recover, this was neccessary now but he waited 4 days after it was passed to sign it into law,(guess he had to have that big gala event in Colorado before he could pull his pen out) I am a general contractor and my business is slower now than before Jan. 20th. What about no washington insiders in his cabinet, 90% of his cabinet is made up of Clinton’s people, another lie. Face it this guy dosen’t have a clue, the reason, he has never owned a business, run a city or state, he hasn’t ever had to make an executive decision which involved other peoples lives. Now he has removed all the safe guards the Bush administration put in place to protect America from another attack. We’ve had change, for the worst. Anyone who has a brain at all knows when you are broke you don’t and can’t spend money on things you can’t afford, you can’t spend your way to prosperity.

Answer #4

tseirpeht, I know you are a little slow, and maybe the nuances of politics are a little out of your league. No presidential candidate, from any party, can actually do everything they say they want to during a campaign. And as a candidate he couldn’t see how really bad Bush screwed things up until he took office. A lot changed from the election to innauguration. The econmy nose dived.

Answer #5

However anyone who follows politics at all knows all during the campaign his people put out, along with the vast majority of the media: Obama will instantly solve ALL !

No… they didn’t… you’re an idiot.

Answer #6

Obama after his win addmited he wouldnt be able to do half the things he promised. And of course he was praised for coming clean after that. Too bad it was after he was elected.

I dont recall too much with the patriot act but I am pretty sure that was only with international calls, not local and national. Furthermore what do you expect from Napolatano calling us few conservatives as terrorist. So I guess what happened Obama didnt get rid of the terrorist but made a whole lot more.

Answer #7

“…but where’s the “change”?? “

Phrannie, you really didn’t just ask this? After 4 months you think he should have been able to undo change bush screwed up?

Amblessed, of course a warrant should be required. Utopia is right, this is a vestige of bush policies. Trying to pin it on Obama only shows how desparate the right has become.

Answer #8

well, let’s see…between trying to fix the economy that bush helped to destroy, stop a war that bush started, fix healthcare, etc. all in 100 days, wow, maybe he hasn’t arrived there yet.

Answer #9

The Patriot Act opened the door…

Clinton did quite a bit with gps but Bush went full speed. The GNSS website sings his praises…

there is a connection between the PA and intrusion and spying without the need for warrants.

Answer #10

If any other person did that, it would be called “stalking”.

I think there’s a limit to how much of our privacy the police should be allowed to impede upon and if they want to track your movements, they should have a viable excuse for doing so.

I think a warrant should be required.

Answer #11

“However anyone who follows politics at all knows all during the campaign his people put out, along with the vast majority of the media: Obama will instantly solve ALL ! “

Just a bit of a generalization. You like using the word “all” a lot. This is pure BS, no one said that he was going to solve everything, much less in four months. In fact most of his supporters were saying it will take a long time to clean up the mess the republicans left behind. Probably not even in his first term.

Amblessed, these kind of tirades just shows how completely lost you are that there is a democrat in office and he is actually liked. Not like your heros bush and cheney. It doesn’t mean you should be spreading lies. What would jaysus say about that?

Answer #12

However anyone who follows politics at all knows all during the campaign his people put out, along with the vast majority of the media: Obama will instantly solve ALL ! pay peoples mortages, Gitmo no more, soldiers home, economy righted, and on and on - so much so, women fainted at seeing him, news anchors got a tingling down their leg, some even wet their pants at the mere mention of his name - portrayed with halo and more recently with arms outstretched, wearing a crown of thorns - He did/said nothing to dispel or tamp down - Huge instant expectations thrown out there - the Love-fest continues and it appears he is above being held accountable.

Answer #13

What happened to calling someone names on this site, I thought that was not permitted, names like “idiot” where are the advisors now.

LYING is also not permitted, so in opposition, I guess they cancel each other out. Deal with it.

Thats the trouble with libs they think their oppinion is the only one and no one else is right. No tolerance for anyone elses opinion, what a shame.

…such hypocrisy…

Answer #14

…but where’s the “change”??


Answer #15

This ruling was 5/7/09, not 5/7/08.

Answer #16

“Then maybe they shouldn’t say it, that is called lyin when you say one thing and do another. “

Were you as critical of Bush, or Poppa Bush, or Ronny RayGun for “lyin” on the campaign trail?

“History is getting ready to repeat itself, Obama is doing the same thing Roosevelt did and he caused the country to go into a depression for 10 year period and the economy didn’t completely rebound until 1952 for the mess he created.”

The depression is considered to have started in 1929, FDRt took office after it had already began. It was his policies that brought us out of it by 1940. GDP began dropping when Hoover took office in 29, and reached a low point in 1933 when FDR took office. It rose for the next few years until the recession of 1937 when it dropped a little, but no where near pre-depression levels. In 1938 it began to rise steadily, and all throught the 40s, with a little drop in 47 and 48. Where do you get your info from?

Cancersurvior, your statistic are wrong, your history is wrong, and you are wrong. You are nothing but a right wing hack, and a piss-poor one at that.

Answer #17

Then maybe they shouldn’t say it, that is called lyin when you say one thing and do another. In obama’s case it is inexperience. He also said he was going to go line by line but he didn’t do that. He has quadrupled our nationl debt in 1 year (thats with the interest over the full year, I thought it would be neccessary because I know how slow you libs are at compreshension).

What happened to calling someone names on this site, I thought that was not permitted, names like “idiot” where are the advisors now. Thats the trouble with libs they think their oppinion is the only one and no one else is right. No tolerance for anyone elses opinion, what a shame. History is getting ready to repeat itself, Obama is doing the same thing Roosevelt did and he caused the country to go into a depression for 10 year period and the economy didn’t completely rebound until 1952 for the mess he created. Get ready.

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