fluoride is nuclear waste byproduct

I have been researching fluoride for a while now and have found that it actually causes damage to the pituitary gland (secretes hormones for bone health), pineal gland (governs sleep patterns), and the thyroid gland (causing weight gain). Since I have stopped drinking fluoridated tap water I have seen weight loss increasing, energy levels have risen, and fewer joint pains. Now why would the government put this into our water? Fluoridated water was given to prisoners in Nazi concentration camps to keep the prisoners from wanting to escape. Also… the government funds 100% of all the needed funds to install fluoridation systems in our water reservoirs. Something tells me they don’t care that much about our teeth.

Answer #1

Have you seen the concentration camps pic of them? Why are they there?

Answer #2

Well you are right… it is up to the individual… but most individuals don’t know the truth behind it. The government is after us… whether you wanna realize it or not… I just hope it is not too late by the time you all realize this. There are concentration camps being built in the us. If you look it up you are going to see that media are saying it is a hoax… but that is what they want you to believe… lol.

Answer #3

Why shouldn’t the individual decide what is best for him/herself? If I choose to be a fool and listen to “quacks”… why shouldn’t that be my prerogative? Instead of mass fluoridation.. why not distribute a fluoride drip that willing participants could attach to their water supply? Let me opt out.

Do we really know the effect that fluoridating water has had on the reduction of tooth decay? How many people rely solely on drinking water and fail to visit a dentist from time to time? Statistics that provide for a reduction in tooth decay since the introduction of fluoridated water are conjecture.

Along with mass vaccination.. mass medication flies in the face of individual freedom. Let the individual decide their own life. Why is this such a threat to some?

Answer #4

Actually, it depends on the type of fluoride and concentration you are researching.

Answer #5

I usually try not to get my information from one source only. If someone introduces something to me I always have to investigate it for myself. I don’t have a microscope and a lab, but I do what I can to get information. Most of the time when I search fluoride on the net, 75% of the results say bad things about it.

Answer #6

There have always been a certain number of people against fluoridation. When I was a lad people said it was a Communist conspiracy to ruin our health so the Soviets could easily take over our nation in a few years. Lately the story changed to it being toxic waste too dangerous to dispose of in traditional ways so it is diluted into our drinking water.

There are always going to be a certain number of people who are receptive to conspiracy theories and believe that there are nefarious motivations behind even the most benevolent intentions.

Dentists, MDs, PhD’s, etc are just as easily seduced into believing outrageous things. The fact that a certain number of people climb a bandwagon with letters after their name means little. There are quacks in every field.

Some water is naturally high in fluoride. People who live in areas with naturally high levels of fluoride have fewer cavities. This was the motivation behind putting fluoride in water that lacks it. Fluoridation has reduced cavities as much as 40%. The effect was greater years ago when people drank more tap water instead of bottled water and more sugary beverages.

If all of your “research” comes from quacks than your conclusion is going to be whacked.

Answer #7

Haha…actually,this is why I’m headed to bed. I wrote the wrong user name–I had just talked to her and I guess it stuck in my head. No, actually…I’m psychic. Rotfl! you are a musician, too cool! Yeah, I’ll def let you know if I see anything contradictory to what you have found! Night!

Answer #8

That’s a new one on me. Considering they never mentioned that in any of my curriculum in Dental Asst school or Nursing school. Hmmm… And I have drank fluoridated tap water for 45 year with none of the above problems listed. Is the author of this study creditable. Have there been similar studies by credible researchers with the same results? This sounds a little far-fetched, particularly about the Nazis giving the prisoners fluoride to keep them from wanting to escape? Kinda defeata the purpose when they find they can gnaw their way through the fences because the fluoride made their teeth so strong and healthy. /:

Answer #9

Do you accept all those “facts” that you are told in dental school or have you actually researched and studied it for yourself? Visit Fluoridealert.org. I am glad to see that you are challenging me on this. Now all I ask you to do as a sentient being is to investigate it for yourself… and there is a petition that 2,500 doctors and dentists have signed on the subject of removing fluoride from water. These were doctors and dentists who challenged their beliefs.

Answer #10

Good night and good luck… p.s. If you come across anything that might challenge my beliefs by all means let me know, and I will look into it myself. I am always hungry for knowledge. and how did you know I was a musician?

Answer #11

Most that I read were from 2008. This is the video that first introduced me to the whole fluoride thing… and caused me to delve deeper into it. I know the guy sounds crazy but just give him a listen…


Answer #12

Alright musicbaby, thxs for the link! Goodnight. [•=

Answer #13

I’ll def check into that tomorrow as this challenger, lol, is heading to bed. Should be rather interesting. How old/new are these studies anyway. I’ll be all over this tomorrow! Lol

Answer #14

In most cities… I know it is in mine. You can probably google and find out if your water is fluoridated. I have also noticed higher testosterone levels since I stopped drinking the tap here. It’s like I want to just get up and start doing push-ups lol.

Answer #15

So you’re saying it’s in our bath water and sink water?

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