Health Questions

  1. Bleeding during 1st trimester! HELP
  2. 3 week period 15 y/o
  3. girls only
  4. ashma attack
  5. She can feel her food moving inside her intestines.
  6. Back problem fixes?
  7. my labret is killling me!
  8. Nerve
  9. Detox
  10. Painful nipple
  11. Whats this lump on my left boob?
  12. Femanine health question
  13. Can a cervix block d entire vagina?
  14. Why are condoms only 99.9% effective?
  15. diffrernce of how much a guy goes in you to get you preg?
  16. Questions About Schizophrenia
  17. what happens if you go to sleep while your high of marijuana?
  18. blistered thumb!!!
  19. Blood when I poo ??
  20. anger issues?
  21. Could I have breast cancer?
  22. I have dark stool like ground coffee, what is wrong?
  23. Is this normal when 18 weeks pregnant?
  24. Huge nipple, is it normal?
  25. How can I stop drolling at night?
  26. Why do I have weird dreams after drinking an energy drink?
  27. Why did I start to burn my arm?? What should I do?
  28. Period 4 times a month?
  29. Pregnant cramping??
  30. Birth control side effect
  31. Will a brace hurt?
  32. Missed period and still getting negative tests?
  33. what could happen if you got a tampon stuck?
  34. chest fullness
  35. I broke my ankle!! Will my pants fit over my cast?
  36. Pregnancy worries.
  37. is 21 too young to be pregnant???
  38. macr/nitro mono
  39. An itchy wakeup call
  40. What other pills are out there and cheaper/better than yasmin?
  41. how to stop feeling sick when hungover?
  42. My period is very irregular, should I see a doctor?
  43. Should I go back to the doctors?
  44. Why am I having stomach pains?
  45. Plastic Surgery
  46. Mole Removal No Surgery
  47. what does red discharge that hasnt gone away mean?
  48. Easy DIY home remedies for a sore throat?
  49. What can I put on my bug bite?
  50. growth plate damage
  51. Insomnia or coffee?
  52. How can I fix my nipples?
  53. How do I get over being depressed?
  54. are these signs of period coming soon.?
  55. Is There Something Wrong With Me...Mentally?
  56. breast hurt
  57. my teen bedwetting problem
  58. Is bleeding normal at 13 weeks pregnant?
  59. Is it ok to clean your lip piercing with alcohol?
  60. Do you think I had a miscarriage?
  61. how do I use my crutches going up stairs? cause I broke my anklke
  62. Why have I been angry lately?
  63. Is chlamydia in your blood?
  64. Is it safe to douche with plain tap water?
  65. What exactly is anxiety?
  66. What is it called when someone cant be hit in the head?
  67. Where can I get the morning after pill from in england?
  68. What to tell little sis bout mom
  69. Nasty Blister Please Help!
  70. Gash around eye ( help please)
  71. Can someone please explain to me what mono infection is?
  72. Depressionn.
  73. When a girls on there period light but red chunks come down
  74. I have a lump on my foot, OMG!
  75. Whats the normal human body tempature?
  76. Brown bruise like mark on my neck
  77. insomnia?deppression?honostly?!?
  78. Feeling sick, Everytime I eat
  79. What's It Called When You Like Pain?
  80. I feel depressed ..
  81. am I prgnant? the signs but never missed injection except purposely
  82. marijuana show up in it if I did it 2 weeks ago?
  83. how long will a boiling water burn take to heal
  84. Can you help me need it badly
  85. Gluten intolerance and intestinal wall healing
  86. Is there a disease linked with confusion?
  87. I want to know everything about it
  88. Why are my periods not occuring??
  89. I am on my period using a tampon, but whats this clear fluid coming
  90. twice menstruation
  91. How to know if you are starting to have your period
  92. Am I like Sleep Deprived or Something?
  93. Strengthening the immune system
  94. Anyone got a quick fix for to get rid of blisters?
  95. Weed out of system
  96. Why do I have this side-effect?
  97. foods and drinks after tonsil removal
  98. I think I have a angur promblem
  99. Should i get my boobs done?
  100. How much should I weigh if im 6ft tall aged 43 years?