Health Questions

  1. What does it mean if bleed and have pain am I having a miscarriage?
  2. Why does my left breast hurt?
  3. What is wrong with my foot?
  4. Why does my pee smells like this?
  5. How long does weed stay in your body?
  6. Why do I feel so depressed at random times?
  7. Who thinks I should I go to the doctors?
  8. Who knows a sociopath?
  9. What does afternoon nap help with?
  10. Why did I not get my peroid on birth control?
  11. What to do if infected?
  12. How far along am I if my HCG Level is 80?
  13. What is wrong with my knee?
  14. What if the test came out negative ?
  15. what is wrong with my body?
  16. Can you use lite salt to cure a belly button peircing infection?
  17. How do idelay my period for birthday?
  18. Why is my flow so heavy??!?
  19. What chance do I have of getting herpes from cigaretts?
  20. What did I get bit by?
  21. Why does lube sting when I put it on?
  22. What is Zanax?
  23. Whats the best pregnancy test?
  24. What is the difference in cherry-popped blood and period blood?
  25. What has gone on... girls only it's about changing periods?
  26. Why I'm not getting my periods?
  27. How to cure itchy skin?
  28. Why am I feeling so nautious?
  29. how can you stop smokeing weed?
  30. How long does it take for hives to go away entirely?
  31. How do I know if I have sensative teeth?
  32. What does it really count if you only rub not go in?
  33. what is the difference between cum and pre-cum?
  34. Where would I get an organ doner card?
  35. Why do we dream?
  36. Why are so many minors worried about being pregnant?
  37. How did people die from the swine flu vaccine?
  38. What do you think about this for a swine flu vaccine case?
  39. Whats the easiest way to get rid of cold sores fast?
  40. Who))) Does anyone else get this?
  41. What if no condom?
  42. I got my period yesterday
  43. What does this mean, is it a normal miscarriage?
  44. When I stand up from sitting down I almost pass out why?
  45. What is a good way to get my mind off the Ciggarettes?
  46. What is the reason you bought your pregnancy test?
  47. Which birth control pill brand is best?
  48. What,,, can you std's from fingering yerr self?
  49. Why do some people cut themselve's?
  50. What does ednos mean, or stand for??
  51. how does weed get outta your system in exactly one week?
  52. How will pre natal vitamins help me get pregnant?
  53. When can I go into water after getting my belly button pierced?
  54. Why Do I Get Really Bad Stomach Pains After Smoking Pot?
  55. what is a cataract?
  56. Why when taking a bath doesn't water get obsorbed into the Vagina?
  57. Why do periods???
  58. How could this happen. I'm way too young. What do you think?
  59. How come I'm late but the test was negative? What do you think?
  60. How hasn't my voice broke yet ?
  61. What can make my hangover feel better?
  62. When im on my period my back hurts, can I stop it?
  63. How old can do you have to be to go get a check up by youself?
  64. Why do I have a vagina that is wet and stinks most of the time?
  65. Why am I sad sometimes?
  66. How do you know if your preg ? Could you fine out after 2 weeks?
  67. Who has had a baby while 16?
  68. How different is the feeling when your on e pills and weed?
  69. What Should I do I hurt myself?
  70. What is wrong with my lip?
  71. Why did my face swell when I smoked weed?
  72. Why do I get dizzy when I stand up after getting a tattoo?
  73. why wont my knee stop clicking?
  74. how is fainting on purpose bad for you?
  75. how is it you can be born without a hymen?
  76. can you drink lactobacillus Acidohilus when you have a yest infection?
  77. how do I make my vagina fresher?
  78. Why the white pupil in photo help!?
  79. What can I eat to stop my yeat infection discharge?
  80. What? Period cramping, um is this true??
  81. How am I having a period, but my stomach looks pregnant?
  82. What should I do when I want to smoke cigarettes/weeds?
  83. Why do I always feel like an icecube?
  84. What do I do with me I'm bipolor I hear voices and see things?
  85. What if your Dad has Swine Flu, will he die with no shot?
  86. When docters take bone marrow, do they put you under?
  87. Why I am having hard time to get asleep?
  88. What can I do for My ex boyfriend has cancer?
  89. How could I get period crampin, my period ended a week ago?
  90. How do I know if my vagina's like it's supposed to be?
  91. Why am I starting to get a lot of attitude lately?
  92. Why am I gettin fishy discharge during pregnancy is it normal?
  93. Why did I get my period 2 weeks early after taking plan b pill?
  94. How to find out if I need antidepressents at 13 years old?
  95. How do you know conception dates are right?
  96. What is this large lump under my nipple? Is this Normal?
  97. How does a doctor check your period?
  98. Can you get gonorrhea from kissing?
  99. When will my burn mark come off?
  100. How can I just be happy im very depressed?