Health Questions

  1. How is there a possible way for my eyes to be "dried out"?
  2. What happens if I take next choice pill for the second time?
  3. Why cant I sleep. Im tired but dont wonna sleep?
  4. Why do you feel aborton is a good choice for a teen mom?
  5. When you're pregnant are you more prone to colds?
  6. How can I put in a tampon without it hurting me when im sitting?
  7. How long does it usually take for swelling on a navel ring to go?
  8. What do you think is contributing to teen pregnancy?
  9. Why are my period sypmtoms unbearable?
  10. What...can a hemorrhoid cause losing weight?
  11. How can I get clean for a urine and hair test?
  12. Why am I sad all the time?
  13. Will too much medicine hurt me?
  14. When does a girl start producing eggs from the ovaries?
  15. How can I clean myself of extacy?
  16. Why do I feel down somtimes ?
  17. Why does my son see a red haze?
  18. Why do I have so many little moles on my face and neck?
  19. How do I cure peeling?
  20. How could someone with 90% blockage pass a stress test?
  21. Why are my boobs sore and do they have musceles?
  22. When you get your period, how many years left do you have to grow?
  23. What---Help! steps to heal a boil on my vagina?
  24. Can you pull out a tampon if its not soaked yet?
  25. Why does my neck & chest get all red?
  26. How can I stop being depressed I have been depressed all week?
  27. Why isnt my medication working?
  28. Who has had this happen to them?
  29. How do they remove small pieces of bone from baby toe?
  30. What is a perfect vagina?
  31. What is the normal age to hit puberty?
  32. Why didn't I fall pregnant?
  33. Am I depressed?
  34. when should I run in the morning and skip brakfast and run?
  35. Can you use vasaline as lube ?
  36. Why am I feeling pregnant?
  37. What; Am I ment to weigh this much ?
  38. Do I have a disability or not?
  39. How can I get off the computer, and outside more?
  40. How to get my voice back fast?
  41. How long to I have to wait to kiss my boyfriend if I have mono?
  42. What are some good and effective way to help me fall asleep?
  43. How do you get pins and needles on your leg?
  44. Why am I hearing these things in my head?
  45. Why do papercuts hurt so much?
  46. Why am I tempted to do things that I know are bad?
  47. How to get ride of pink eye?
  48. How shisha smoking is injuries to health?
  49. How Do You Get Rid Of A Sty on your Bottem Eye Lid?
  50. How can I get rid of period bloating?
  51. how can I fall asleep faster and stay asleep?
  52. What is the constant headache/throbbing in the front of my head?
  53. who Could I have bruised my Kidney?
  54. What's a 15 year old averaqe weiqhtt.?
  55. How long do I have to wait to start eating solid food?
  56. How can I try 2 stop smokeing?
  57. Why does this keep happening='[?
  58. What happened to my head!?!?
  59. how do I get ready for a pap exam?
  60. Who has any vasectomy stories or advice?
  61. What) is there and e thing I can do to make myself taller?
  62. what causes a stomach lump just above the belly button ?
  63. How should my Mam treat a nettle sting on her face?
  64. What should I do to help my knee?
  65. How can I talk with cigarette smoke in my body?
  66. Why does it seem like I'm having contractions and im not pregnant?
  67. Is it normal for around my g-spot to be smooth?
  68. Why is my lower stomach feeling extremely bloated?
  69. What are these symptoms ... Is it intestine thing or pms?
  70. How can you tell if the Claire's ear antiseptic is expired?
  71. Why am I always so colddd?
  72. how do you blow a smoke ring?
  73. Do you smoke weed to relax?
  74. What are the warning signs of addiction for GHB?
  75. What is the point of cramps?
  76. How can I tell what my hymen type is (please read)?
  77. What is better and safer pads or tampons?
  78. When will my body start to go use the washroom without peeing my bed?
  79. What are some good ways to not get these symptoms after shots?
  80. How to stop a period?
  81. Why do I keep feeling like this?
  82. Why does it hurt when I cum?
  83. How can I conceive a baby girl?
  84. What is the chance of me having another set of twins ?
  85. How come I can't seem to carry a baby?
  86. How can you stop yourself from binging?
  87. What causes sideaches?
  88. Why do females get their period when they're pregnant?
  89. How do I cure E.D?
  90. What caused my vagina to have green discharge and smell rotton?
  91. Why am I having cramping where thes not supposed to be cramping?
  92. Why does my spine hurt after chiropracter?
  93. What is wrong with my ankle..urgent?
  94. When should I start I using tampons?
  95. Why is my head making me go crazy ?
  96. How can I get all the leftover tape-glue off my skin?
  97. When you take tylenol when your not sick, will it make you sick?
  98. When will I start my period because I didn't get it on march?
  99. Why am I getting cramps in my tummy but not due on my period?
  100. How do I let go of being abused?