What happened to my head!?!?

So I was playin soccer and (this sounds stupid) I ran into the goal poast. I hit my head and I felt fine then. but I got home and its been like an hour and it hurts and is swelling up and my vision is kinda blurry. I’m icing it now but it just hurts anyway. please help me!

Answer #1

I don’t know about an aneurism, but I definitely think you may have a concussion. You need to go have it checked out in case it’s something really bad. SEE A DOCTOR!

Answer #2

I think that it would be good to have it checked out, due to the fact that your visio is starting to get blurry and sometimes that can be dandreus, and you don’t want anything else ocuring.

Answer #3

maybe your having an aneurism. thats very serious consult a doctor IMMEDIATELY!!!

Answer #4

You most likely have a concussion. they can be serious or severe. GO TO THE DOCTORRR (:

Answer #5

go to the doctor you might have a head injoury

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