Health Questions

  1. When do you stop ovulating?
  2. Does spotting mean pregnancy?
  3. Is this normal during heavy periods?
  4. I am obsessed with my weight
  5. How can I stop excessive flatulence?
  6. Does it hurt to get your naval pierced?
  7. I'm so scared I might be pregnant at 14!
  8. Could I get pregnant after a gastric bypass?
  9. Can you be pregnant and get a negative test result?
  10. Is it possible to know what time of day I will give birth?
  11. Do I just need a filling or a root canal?
  12. What could these recurring chest pains be?
  13. Is it illegal to smoke in public underage?
  14. Is Over-the-Counter medicine okay when I'm pregnant?
  15. What will happen if I drink 16 vodkas in 16 minutes?
  16. Can you OD on Prozac?
  17. Why did my period stop if I'm not pregnant?
  18. Why is my stomach painful and bruised?
  19. What does Mesothelioma mean?
  20. How to have artifical insemination?
  21. Is there a pill I can take to keep my period regular?
  22. Can you get an accurate result from a clinic?
  23. Does being a few days late mean I'm pregnant?
  24. Does anyone have advice for a newly diagnosed diabetic?
  25. When is the best time to conceive?
  26. How soon before your expected period can you take a test?
  27. Why can't we get pregnant?
  28. Do you have to have braces to get retainers?
  29. Did any of you change your piercing jewelry early?
  30. Can a workout routine help gynecomastia?
  31. How do I diminish scarring?
  32. Do I need help for this depression?
  33. Could I have herpes?
  34. How long should I wait before testing for pregnancy?
  35. Can I make my period come soon on purpose?
  36. How can I get some psychological help for this?
  37. Is it possible for me to be in heat?
  38. Can I get pregnant with cancer?
  39. Does a lip piercing effect your health?
  40. What is this tickly cough from?
  41. What are the signs of menopause?
  42. Why am I getting cramps now?
  43. Could I be pregnant from a rape?
  44. Do my parents need to come for a tragus piercing?
  45. How can you tell if you broke your nose?
  46. What hardships have you been through? Pick me up!
  47. How can I lose 30lbs fast?
  48. How long until chlamydia causes infertility?
  49. How can I lose weight without being in danger?
  50. How to lose weight in my butt?
  51. Will this stop pregnancy?
  52. Do I have a cavity?
  53. What is this bump on my tongue?
  54. Why aren't I hungry?
  55. Does alcohol alter the effectiveness of the Pill?
  56. What are these white bumps on my penis?
  57. Is it too soon for another baby?
  58. Are percosets safe to take?
  59. Why do people like to snoop through medicine cabinets?
  60. Can I exercise one year after surgery?
  61. Dark Discharge
  62. Tips on how to stop hurting myself
  63. How do I lose weight in just 1 month
  64. Can you get pregnant even if he doesnt cum inside you?
  65. you unclog a sphenoid sinus?
  66. Pelvic Inflamatory Disease
  67. Yeast infection symptoms
  69. Adjust menstrual period
  70. mensus 2-3 times in a month
  71. Impossible to get pregnant?
  72. Why Is life so hard?
  73. very important, please read soon
  74. Painful knee
  75. I want to become fat and height so tell me good solution
  76. trying to have a baby
  77. ould a single drop of semen make you pregnant?
  78. are crutches fun because I just broke my leg?
  79. scared / an confused
  80. can I get pregnet if I haven't started my period?
  81. antibiotic that can get rid of the WHOLE genital warts VIRUS?
  82. Ecstasy
  83. natural kidney stone remedy
  84. bipolar
  85. How reliable is WebMD?
  86. weird questions?
  87. Am I too short? NO!
  88. How to treat Fibromyalgia?
  89. Does sitting properly in a chair help with your posture?
  90. how do I lose weight and get a six pack.
  91. Why do bones "pop"?
  92. spyder viens
  93. how do I stop self-harimin?
  94. If you go outside with your hair wet, could you get sick?
  95. MENTAL health.
  96. now i was thin and medium hieght, i want to become fat and tall
  97. Concieving a Child..
  98. Free Clinic
  99. Why my skin hurts?
  100. How can we have a baby?