how do I stop self-harimin?

I self-harm when ever I feel like shit and that is usually atleast 5-7 times amonth. I want 2 stop it but I don’t know how to do it. please help if you can. if someone has done it before and stopped that wud b brill if you cud tell me how you did it. thanks.

Answer #1

You could do what my good friend did… the Bible and discovered who Jesus Christ is….totally changed her life….no longer has any such desire.

Answer #2

Hey x Wha I did was put all my blades in de trash!!! Try keepin a diary!!! It helps…a lot!!! Have it as yuur ‘GOAL’ not to duu it anymore and keep remindin yuurself de difficulties yuu kkud face if yuu keep doing it!!!=] Luv: xxemohugzzneededxx

Answer #3

Dear kurtcobainwannabe, Not sure by your typing here exactly what you are saying…It helps if you use an entire word. I do see self-harm and I do think you’re asking for help. Self-abuse is just that ABUSE and yes, you do need to stop. The first thing is to contact your school counsellor of your health clinic or doctor. All these places can help. I have been involved with self-abusers many times and all have sought out help and were successful in stopping. Self-abuse takes many forms and starts for many reasons but usually continues because of habit and the lack of coping skills. Both these issues are dealt with differently but are successfully dealt with my counsellors. In the mean time till you’ve gotten help try this. Place an elastic bad on your wrist or ankle not a tight one. Make sure it’s comfortable. When the urge comes over you to abuse snap the band…this seems to be a preferred method along with relaxation techniques and meditation. The bottom line is you need to get counselling for your abuse and you need to find out why it started and the steps to take so it won’t happen again. Sue….good luck

Answer #4

i self harm, but ive managed to control it now. i no thisw sounds obvious, but trying to take out your hurt on something else, it realy works.

Answer #5

wel.. i used to self harm but it made my arms and legs look really bad..x my boyfriend tried to help me stop but it didnt work. everytime i did it i would take a photo. the next time i was upset and felt like cutting i looked @ the foto nd decided it was not very good. my bf helped me through it. it also helps to talk 2 sumone in your skl and your parents if u think u can face them. i also had councelling to talk about my problez.. hope it helped. eamil me on if you want to talk…x good luck Xx_princessloli_xX

Answer #6

hey i understand what u are saing. I have been there myself I use to hurt my self all the time but then i called the 1800273talk and got help now i dont hurt myself any more so try it it cant hurt

Answer #7

hey….sounds like you’re in a tough situation…ive havent been there before but i have thought about it….try to get involved in a youth group in your area….i bet they can help you a lot

Answer #8

Hay man, Mr-E. The way I see it, is that its a tough situation, Probably feeling like theres no way out, but its not as bleak as it seems, I for one took advice from my girlfriend which works, ease it down a little, express yourself in poems, a sport, or if you need that releaf of self harming, squeeze an icecube as hard as you can, it realy works… You get the pain that mellows, but it doesnt harm you, and eventualy it ends with teh need for pain as you need it less and with your friends support, you’le lose all desire for it. Defeat is alwase momentery!

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