
I think I might be bipolar. my moods switch so rapidly and it seems like I have no control. I’ve been very depressed as well, but im only 16 and my mom refuses to believe there’s anything wrong with me. I dont know if I should be worried. I’ve had thoughts about suicide, but I’ve never done anything about it. what should I do

Answer #1

Ahh… to be a teenager again. You ask most people in their later years if they would like to go back to do it all again and you know what the answer is most of the time. NO!! Heck No! I would rather drive nails through my feet. But the same people will tell you of all the good times they had at that age as well. Bipolar disorder can come in degrees, and it is impossible to diagnose you through the mode of this question. However, you may want to get an opinion from a counselor or a therapist if you are truly worried. Depression and suicidal thoughts are not uncommon either. Teens of your age are subjected to peer pressure that makes it a stigma to share your feelings, yet as you get older you will find that sharing your feelings is a very healthy process to attain any sort of healing. Bottling emotions is definitely bad. You don’t seem too happy with your life and unless their really are no inciting incidents that can be pointed to in your environment, family life, hormone levels, or peer groups then I wouldn’t worry too much about bipolar disorder. (which is sometimes a sign that a therapist is at a loss to figure out the cause of such things so the term bipolar is overused in many cases). Bipolar disorder can really be characterized by the near extreme up and down movement of emotional swings throughout the day or sometimes hour, but this is only a part of it. You would need plenty of time with a licensed therapist to really know exactly what you have. The one mistake so many will make in this day and age is to peruse the internet with symptoms and self-diagnose. The mind is a powerful thing and can take on symptoms that you read about as a defense mechanism. Visit someone that is a professional, the first session is usually always free.

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