
I’ve been wanting to try Ecstasy for a long time now. Im not really scared but im juss scared what I might do while im on it. What should I Expect when I’m on it??? Is there anyway I could be a little safer while I’m on it. Is there anything I should do before I try it???

Answer #1

Lol I don’t know if this is a little late. But here are the effects that I’ve noticed while on it. When it first kicks in, you get a major head rush, you feel extremely happy. And feel that you can conquer the world. You get really thirsty. But you can’t drink that much. I suggest sipping at your water. not too often though. And you also don’t want to dehydrate yourself. so you MUST drink water. Once the intense high starts to go away, you feel happy, your not very knowledged of the world around you at the time, and feel the need to explore. You don’t want to stay still. You’ll want to move, all of the time. Music really helps, techno preferably. Dancing makes the high feel more intense. Some people that I know that have been on the drug tend to get violent, not knowing that their high, so they claim that their not. So they start to break stuff, there’s also calm ecstasy’s. They sit there, tripping out, Just enjoying themselves. But I’m a bubbly e. As what I said before, you usually are happy, hyper, unknowledged of the world around you, and want to explore, you’ll try and do anything if your in the really intense high. You can do stupid stuff, but it’s not likely. You hallucinate, it’s not bad, it feels really good.// but you also have to consider on the long term effects.. like insomnia, teeth clenching, addiction, paranoia and much more. So be careful. Cause when you crash. your done.

Answer #2

I have taken ecstasy and it was one of the greatest experiences. My only advice is to make sure you know what its cut with. I took a molly which is pure MDMA so I didnt have to worry about it being cut or “laced” with speed/coke/meth. The 2nd time I did it I think it was cut with coke. There is a website to search for the pills you get. They break them down for you. Some have a higher percentage of MDMA, caffeine, coke/speed/meth and some dont have certain things at all. as for the experience, it was great. you will surely understand why its called the “love” drug because everything you encounter is just absolutely amazing and I was enthralled by the smallest things. My friend and I went on a walk and I thought looking at a street lamp was so amazing, it was “beautiful” lol. Everything just doesn’t suck. I used the word GREAT like a million times that night. And I didn’t smoke weed while I was rolling.

Answer #3

Drink water, get some form of good visuals… flashing lights, etc., beaded bracelets or gum (you will want something to chew on, or you’ll grind your teeth).

It’s called “rollin” for a reason, you would feel like you’re going up and down (not literally, but your “high”).

Aside from what X does to your body, Overloads you with Serotonin actually damaging your brain and spine. If you get actual pure ecstasy, it’s not a bad trip.

I’m not trying to encourage you to do it, drugs are illegal, but if you are going to anyway, at least you’ll have an idea of what you’re up against. It would also be good that if you get it, you know the person you’re gettin it from, never know what’s rat poison that was mixed with ingredients from under the kitchen sink and what’s ecstasy. The “high” you get from ecstasy will last 3-4 hours, not the 30 another person mentioned, they’re getting trash apparently.

Speed-based are good, heroin-based are the best, and I don’t know much about cocaine-based.

Good luck, be safe.

Answer #4

I’ve done exstacy before okay this is what happened to me. I took the pill and I started to feel it like 30 mins after I took it. When I took it I had to drive home and my house was 45 mins away. While I was driving I started to feel it and at first it felt like I was flying?? it was crazy. (I duno if thats crazy to do drive while on exctasy, but I don’t think you should do it unless your a realy good driver) When I got home I started to feel it more. It felt so good!! it felt like I was geting a really really really really good massage inside of me. I started getting warmer and warmer so I drank water(I heard its not good to drink lots of water because you can drown??? lol) I layed in my bed and just felt it. I kept on drinking water because I was thristy. then I duno why I started to rub my cheek and I wouldnt stop rubbing in the same spot even after the feeling of the extasy went away. I couldnt stop putting on chapstick. I kept on putting and putting chapstick on? I duno those were some of the weird things it made me do. Then stupid me called my boyfriend at the time and I confessed that I cheated on him. I thought everything was going to be okay and he was going to not care and forgive me, but it was the opposite. After I stopped feeling all good inside I felt sore from inside. Like it f*cked up my muscles or something. I only did extasy once and never again. I liked the feeling but I know it can be dangerous thats why I never did it again. I’ve heard that some people can die the first time they take extasy. If your going to do it be safe and dont do stupid things because your going to think everything you do is okay, but its not. OH YA I also heard when people have sex on ecstasy the sex afterwards is never the same. I duno if thats true because I’ve never done it but just be careful. I know I misspelled a whole bunch of words but I dont want to go back and fix it.

Answer #5

I have done e before and in personal experience I can tell you that it does not make you unaware of danger or make you think differently. Just like many other inputs on the matter I will tell you that you DO have to drink water. The best advice I could give you is to drink water only when you feel thristy. Dont chug it but take sips. As for the Girl that said your brain will swell I dont know where she got that from but if anything that is if you are overly pro cautious and drink too much. When you are on e you should just try to keep your ood happy and energized, being unhappy when you take the pill can cause a bad “roll” and you really dont want that.

One more thing, it is very important to say that when you take ecstasy you can not go to sleep for AT LEAST SIX HOURS.

All I want is for everyone who wants to try it to be educated and know how to take care of themselves. And if its your first time only take one, if it doesn’t work switch to two or chew one. Usually that works for people.

Answer #6

umm my question is why would you want to try something that kills people everydayy I mean maybe it’s just me but I don’t think the words safe and drugs should ever be used in the same sentence there is NO safe wayy when it comes to drugs

Answer #7

Don’t try drugs. They are bad for you and you have nothing to gain from it. Why would you ever consider taking something that can kill you? Life shouldn’t be so carelessly tossed away.

Answer #8

Okay… I’m going to give it to you straight… The only person who posted that knows anything about the drug is chronicjay. If you want to do E do E, not because someone else wants you to. Make sure you are with someone you know and trust very well that has some experience with the drug as they can help you if/when any sort of problem arises… I have done E multiple times and it’s unique and different every time… Depends on your environment mostly… Like others have said you do need water… So buy some purified bottled water and make sure you get enough depending on who is going to be doing it with you… Me and four friends are fine on two 12 pack cases of water and its not very much… and to make sure you drink enough but not too much is to drink about half a bottle of water (12 oz) every time you get thirsty which is usually for me about every half hour or so… also depending on the kind and potency of E you are taking can make the trip shorter/longer… but most E I have taken (about six different kinds) usually takes about 45 minutes to start feeling something and about an hour and a half to two hours to be in your peak (the most intense part of the high and the most enjoyable for me anyways) and it gradually wears away after that… so I would say about 2-3 hours per pill if they are singles… for added fun buy some glow sticks a few of each color and get some techno it rocks when on E… Preferrably trance… and just have fun with the glow sticks while listening to the music… Get some gum and chew on that its a trip trust me good times!! my personal favorite thing to do on E is to kiss and make out omg its amazing… it feels really good… you can still think straight as said above… You dont get crazily messed up like on alcohol and any other stuff like that… you are happy to be alive feel good about everything, it makes you feel really close to everybody you are with. the worst part about E for me is the comedown because you dont want to at all… its like when you are on the drug everything you can think of like games, movies, music, kissing, smoking (menthols) anything you enjoy sounds like a killer idea and your like YEAH! lets do that and when you start to come down nothing really sounds fun anymore and the reason for this is… Ecstacy or MDMA sucks on your seratonin and norephinepherin glands which causes your brain to release all of your endorphins (the feel good cells in your brain) all at once which is why people say it is so amazing… but anyways I hope this helps be safe and good luck

Answer #9

okay well there is nothing safe to do but u get really thirsty just dont drink water because it swells ur brain and u can pass out go into a coma and die not to like scare u or anything but i really dont want anyone to die

Answer #10

I “roll” “do e” at least every weekend, and it is fun, but when I’m not on it I’m extremely depressed. I used to be happy all of the time. I’ve had a few scares while I was on it. I’ve started to shake, my heart beats really fast, and my friends get really scared. You have to be really careful with how much water you drink.. “Only drink about 500ml (half a littre) of water PER hour” “lil bunny” is soo wrong. The -Xbox- can last the whole weekend. Be really careful if you start taking it. It is fun to dance, and be more aware of your body, but it can also ruin your life slowly like it’s doing to mine. I can’t stop taking it. When I’m not on it, I’m shakey, and I have almost 0 memory now. “Heavenhelpus” said: “It doesn’t really change you that much, it’s not like alchohol that it affects the way you think. You’ll still think straight, you’ll just be VERY energetic and crazy.” You won’t think straight. All you care about is moving your body. You’ll lose friends, and family. But hey, you get to dance better than ever.

Answer #11

Dear ricka13, Ecstasy is is mostly Ephedra: Ephedra and may cause such side effects as insomnia, restlessness, euphoria, palpitations, and high blood pressure; there have been reports of a number of deaths

Drug Administration banned sales of dietary supplements containing ephedra because of illnesses and deaths associated with the drug.

You talk about being safe and taking precautions…the only safe precaution is not to take something that could kill you. If I offered you rat poison you would say hell no…why? it could kill you right well the same for ecstasy it may or may not kill you??? Pot is also a drug and is know to cause cancer quicker than cigarettes, it also gets stored in body fat and causes a host of problem. The most common but unspoke problem in males is called bitc* tits. Males will not talk on this issue because it is a side effect of marijuana and embarrassing. All drugs carry side-effects and dangers some more than others. Since each person is different we react different to each drug. You may have a underlying condition you don’t know about and death is a real possibility when taking unprescribed drugs. You are not a Goddess and you can die or get hooked after one attempt at any unprescribed drug. Sue….good luck

Answer #12

to the person who said it lasts 30 minutes, your crazy E lasts up to 6 hours 1 pill $20 E isnt for everyone just like everything else whether its coffee, cigarettes, acid, etc.. for everyone else that replied to your question there are more things out there that can kill you pharmaceuticals kill more people than illegal drugs
they say drugs are bad because people tell them they are bad but they never take the time to really look into it and see for themselves why its bad im tired of ignorant people

I dont recommend taking it but at least ull know what its all about for future reference just do one for your first time, I know people that have taken 12+ which is just insane definately wouldnt do that drink water but not excessively ull be fine, id rather take E than aspirin than again im an organic person and like to stick to my natural stuff :P

for information on the effects go to

Answer #13

Okay, so a lot of people have taken things like this and it is good to know the risks and some of the good parts. The biggest problem with the drug is what it might be “binded” with. In its purest form you are not going to get so much of the speed that is holding it in a pill form. So from dose to dose it is never usually the same thing precisely. It is a wonderful feeling and anyone who says different is trying to lie about it to get you to be afraid of it. There are plenty of reasons to be afraid of an uncontrolled illegal drug no matter who gives it to you. The continued use of this drug could very well do some serious damage to your spinal cord. The other thing to consider is that “things” happen when drugs like this are taken that may hurt you in ways that could last for your whole life. Traumatizing things are completely different on ecstasy than they are when you sober up.

Answer #14

Ok personally I have done it. You should be around people you trust. It made me really happy lol. I call it the love drug. Just for the simple fact most of the time it makes you all lovey dovey. I personally like it. lol. But I mean if you feel like your ready for it and thats what you want to do then do it. But drink plenty of water but not to much. If your dancing (it makes me want to dance) then you want to make SURE you drink plenty of water. I hope this helps u. Much love.

Answer #15

my friend did E with some hoe and in the morning he woke up and she was giving him a hand job. and I was with another friend and his E was laced with coke and he OD’d a bit… he could taste blood. I dunno just be careful and do it with someone you trust and who doesn’t have AIDS or Herpes or something

Answer #16

I am on ecstasy right now. I have school tomorrow and I cant sleep. I only took one, but this isnt my first tme. my mouth is numb and im shaking. but im happy and excited. it took like an hour to kick in, once I took 3 pills while my friend did the same and we ended up making out… not proud of it, were both guys. im not gay, it just made me wanna make out sooo bad. and bite. that day I also like was sweating, but freezing cold and I loved it. my advice is to find out for yourself and everybody should try it at least once. BE SAFE and dont get addicted, because its expensive hahahahaha!

Answer #17

ecstasy is crap don’t do it I’ve done it you just feel relly happy and like your rollin across the ground but the mdma in it messes with the ceritonin and noripenefen in your brain so its basicly just zanies on steroids and pure mdma dose not do a whole lot so most pills are mixed with other drug sometimes lsd but mostly cocaine but even moreso meth and you dont want to be a methhead do ya

Answer #18

Okay… I’m going to give it to you straight… The only person who posted that knows anything about the drug is chronicjay. If you want to do E do E, not because someone else wants you to. Make sure you are with someone you know and trust very well that has some experience with the drug as they can help you if/when any sort of problem arises… I have done E multiple times and it’s unique and different every time… Depends on your environment mostly… Like others have said you do need water… So buy some purified bottled water and make sure you get enough depending on who is going to be doing it with you… Me and four friends are fine on two 12 pack cases of water and its not very much… and to make sure you drink enough but not too much is to drink about half a bottle of water (12 oz) every time you get thirsty which is usually for me about every half hour or so… also depending on the kind and potency of E you are taking can make the trip shorter/longer… but most E I have taken (about six different kinds) usually takes about 45 minutes to start feeling something and about an hour and a half to two hours to be in your peak (the most intense part of the high and the most enjoyable for me anyways) and it gradually wears away after that… so I would say about 2-3 hours per pill if they are singles… for added fun buy some glow sticks a few of each color and get some techno it rocks when on E… Preferrably trance… and just have fun with the glow sticks while listening to the music… Get some gum and chew on that its a trip trust me good times!! my personal favorite thing to do on E is to kiss and make out omg its amazing… it feels really good… you can still think straight as said above… You dont get crazily messed up like on alcohol and any other stuff like that… you are happy to be alive feel good about everything, it makes you feel really close to everybody you are with. the worst part about E for me is the comedown because you dont want to at all… its like when you are on the drug everything you can think of like games, movies, music, kissing, smoking (menthols) anything you enjoy sounds like a killer idea and your like YEAH! lets do that and when you start to come down nothing really sounds fun anymore and the reason for this is… Ecstacy or MDMA sucks on your seratonin and norephinepherin glands which causes your brain to release all of your endorphins (the feel good cells in your brain) all at once which is why people say it is so amazing… but anyways I hope this helps be safe and good luck

Answer #19

I haven’t done it but this guy takes four a day and he has serious back problems and he looks like a noodle. He’s also pretty out there. I honestly want to do it too, but I’m scared to try it, and probably wont. I’ve done 3 drugs and 2 of them were not for me, ice and coke. Well coke didn’t really do anything except make me numb for around 15 mins, then the taste kept draining on to my tougne so it made me throwup. Anyways, I’ve heard that x pills causes your brain to bleed on to your spinal chord, that’s how you get the “fun” feeling, and then the back aches. I don’t know though, I’m not an expert on this, but ask me about pot and I will be lol. Good luck. be safe.

Answer #20

u definetely need to drink water. If you ever took E’s u’d know how thirsty they make u. Your body temp goes up adn it dehaydrates u. HOWEVER, do not over drink! Only drink about 500ml (half a littre) of water PER hour. There are a few internet sites that educate about ecstacy and give advise. Here are a few. PLEASE check them out and be careful when you give advise to others :)

Answer #21

Ok where do I begin…Ecstacy is a euphoria drug. It make’s everything around you feel good. “It’s the happy drug”. And the dumbass who posted that it only lasts thirty minutes or so, got some crappy x.The effects can last between four to nine hours, though I have seen it last longer. This also depends on if your doing single, douuble, triple, or quad stacks. The most commonly used base is amphetamines. The most common cause of death is dehydration, however drinking too much water can also cause death.

Answer #22

If you want to try a halusinagin do shrooms they are natural and carry less risk of addiction because they are just a plant. just make sure they aren’t laced.

Answer #23

Absolutely not, but It’s not realy like any of us can change someone’s mind by telling them not to do it. The best way is to give them information.


Answer #24

I have never tried it but one of my friends has.. he used to take them when out clubbing and once took 6 pills in the same night, apparently it gets u more into the music being played and can make u really talkative, he’s usually a shy person, but not when on pills.. though once he was really bad and had headaches and felt sick, but he was ok thank god (thats the last time he used them) it can send u on pretty bad trips.. he said once he saw this guy walking past in the club and it looked like he had a chair on his head.. another time some woman was standing infront of him and dissolved into tiny pieces infront of him… he told me that he always felt pretty spaced out the day after he took it and the effects last for hours.. drink water whilst on them, but not too much as it can flood ur brain.

Answer #25

Seriously, its not that bad. Watch Ecstasy Rising, a show dateline put on as a special addition. New studies are showing that the drug is less harmful then alcohol. When taken rarely and not in large doses no side effects where found when taking MDMA. When taking it repeatedly and in large doses the worst side effect was a 4-5% lost in serotonin levels.

As in Death, MDMA has accounted for no deaths. The only deaths are caused by Dehydration. So drink plenty of water and you will be fine, make sure you use the bathroom as well.

Here in late 07 clinical trails are being done to make MDMA a prescription drug for post traumatic stress disorder.

Once again everyone watch Ecstasy Rising with Peter Jennings. You can find it on or even google videos.

Answer #26

If you need drugs to get into the music, you’re obviously listening to some crappy music. Or you just suck.

Answer #27

its mad lol but dont do it, because its a waste of money it only lasts 30mins or little longer. not worth it

Answer #28

Of course no one in this site is advocating taking illegal drugs, right?? Right?

Answer #29

I have done it a few times. first off make sure you get good bombs. (they should be a solid color not have little specks) Also, get triple or quad stacks (best kind). When taking them CHEW THEM (will taste terrible but works better). take them an hour apart. During your whole high drink between 3-5 normal water bottles. The best way to describe a ecstacy high is that you will feel like a god. that sounds crazy but you body will be crazy sensitive. when you drink water you can feel your cells absorbe it. the down sides are that you won’t sleep. you will be up all night no matter what so prepare, also your jaw might lock so I recommend chewing gum. the day after you will feel physically drained because you won’t have eaten or slept. try to eat if you can. definatley try it at least one time.

Answer #30

in fact, ignore me and everyone else on this forum. Its your mental health at stake, not sewing advice or baking tips if ya catch my drift. just look at these. if you need any of the medical stuff explaining just email me or something and ill get back to you

Answer #31

well sxysh0rtay obviously doesn’t know anything about this subject. The most common cause of death related to ecstacy is dehydration. Ecstacy is a very dangerous drug, and it kills vital brain matter… and a bunch of bad stuff… it causes a lot of crazy stuff to happen. The onlt advice I have for you is to tell all your friends to not allow you tohave sex while on the drug!!! It will ruin your sex life forever!!! Off the drug you will never be able to experience anything even close to the pleasure any kind of sexual contact will give you while on the drug. It is a very common party drug, but make sure you know the person you get it from. When the chemicals are mixed to make it anything can go wrong, and if it does, it can make the drug lethal in any dose.


Answer #32

I’m not going to give you some long as* explination on why you shouldn’t take it but I’m going to leave you with a question;

Why would you want to harm your body in that way? Does it make you cool?

Answer #33

Seriously, its not that bad. Watch Ecstasy Rising, a show dateline put on as a special addition. New studies are showing that the drug is less harmful then alcohol. When taken rarely and not in large doses no side effects where found when taking MDMA. When taking it repeatedly and in large doses the worst side effect was a 4-5% lost in serotonin levels.

As in Death, MDMA has accounted for no deaths. The only deaths are caused by Dehydration. So drink plenty of water and you will be fine, make sure you use the bathroom as well.

Here in late 07 clinical trails are being done to make MDMA a prescription drug for post traumatic stress disorder.

Once again everyone watch Ecstasy Rising with Peter Jennings. You can find it on or even google videos.

Answer #34

Leave theyF uck up your lyf

Answer #35

Ok well Im only 14 and I have tried E and After a while you get hooked on it I reasently got out of the rehab clinic for teenagers its not a nice place to be and the rehabalitation is painful becuase you cant take drugs or anything while in there. My sugestion is from exsperince dont do it its not worth being locked away in rehab for mounths.


Answer #36

It doesn’t really change you that much, it’s not like alchohol that it affects the way you think. You’ll still think straight, you’ll just be VERY energetic and crazy.

Answer #37

just an update…Canada had just discovered a huge shipment of E that was caught at the boarder…some had gotten through. The big problem seems to be that it was cut with several different types of other drugs, some as much as 80%. Meaning that one who has taken E or wants to take E is now not getting it but getting a more potent powerful drug that they say will cause many more deaths. Sue…good luck

Answer #38

e is awesome. honestly, it really is. just drink lots of water, dont over drink though, and dont drink it to fast or you will puke. I would not recommend using e often, but every once in a while it really is amazing.

Answer #39

ok so I stumbled on this forum because I was looking for help dealing with bad s**t that happens to me as a result of ecstacy. I am 23 and started taking them at 16, occasionally at first but most weeks when I was out in the last 4 years while at uni. MDMA crystals too. I would take 1 or 2 up to 8 or 9 pills (or 0.1-1.0g of powder), depending on strength, my habit etc. I even tried snorting a few (very very very bad idea… painful and makes you cabbaged and ill) and smoking them in spliffs (equally grim).

As an ex-user I would not recommend it based on the fact that I quit but still feel manic, paranoid, depressed etc 2 years later, and unpredictably to boot so its not even something you can learn to deal with or build a personality fix on.

As a biochem graduate I’d say stay away too. the only reason they cant say how bad it is is because the results are not ‘definitive’ enough. But they know, trust me. They just cant prove it yet. neuroscience is just not that easy.

As someone who knew dealers well and even knocked a few out, they are REALLY not from reputable sources. They are not always but I dare say 99% of the time mixed with ket, meth, coke or even smack - basically anything cheaper to produce than MDMA… that also includes chalk, paracetamol, anything really. They sell by weight (usu .2-.3g/tablet) at the top level so thats all that counts. Also colour doesnt mean st. Trust me. Its usually food colouring. Its just a gimmick like armani or mitsubishi symbols. Even the symbols dont mean st. Anyone making them can buy an kappa/sunshine stamp or whatever and press it in. Even within a batch they are not the same… do you really think they care about mixing the powder uniformly? they just bung it all in and whatever comes out each time is the next pill in the pile.

Anyway, I know the weed I smoked amongst the occasional trips and shrooms really didnt help but I know the pills were the major offenders in my now messed up head. the doctors cant really help and to be honest the last thing I need after quitting all that is a new addiction to a prescription drug. Not a good place to be.

And by the way, that nonsense about ‘just drink water and pee’, probably good advice if you know whether the drugs in your body are making you lose water or retain it, but since you dont, you really cant ever tell whats best to do. and your body wont tell you, so the only real advice is cross your fingers…

I have lost mates to mental homes and to mental episodes ranging in longevity, so for your sake, your familys sake, your mates sake, just get pissed. booze is good enough, and if its not, see a doctor and they might give you free drugs every week that WILL make booze good enough. Then you wont need them later in life just to put you back where you are now and I was before. I hope this isnt patronising but it worried me seeing half truths littering this forum. You wanted answers about ecstacy. here they are.

It is fun, 5 years worth for me, less for some more for others. But when your numbers up (no pun intended) it WILL be a surprise and the years of fun you had wont even be worth the first of the next 50 or so years of regret, self-doubt, lack of attention, lack of memory, paranoia, panic and general ill mental health (not to mention the bad back - still not 100% sure its from pills but I’ve heard it could be).

Please learn from my mistake. Get wrecked the right way. A bottle of vodka is 10 quid. and you sleep, and you dont tweak all night. and you dont have a comedown that gets worse for 3 days. and you dont gurn at people. and you dont throw huge chunks of your life away sitting stagnant.

Answer #40

Hi, sorry, honestly, I really don’t know how ecstasy will affect you; I do not have experience with it at all. Personally, I am not interested in trying it myself. One thing is that I don’t mess around with possible danger. I know, I am no fun and am probably boring since I have no interest to explore the unknown depths of Ecstasy or any type of mood altering vices.

My advice to you is not to take it. if you are that worried, than your instincts are attempting to speak to you. Take something lighter like everybody’s favorite Maryjane.

Answer #41

as a frequent user and graduate student, I find almost ALL of these answers highly amusing, but also largely misleading. as with all drug experiences, every person’s experience with ecstasy is unique. if you’re interested in experimenting, do some research and get your facts straight. ecstasy does not destroy brain matter and do other “bad stuff”, as the eloquent Tiffany suggested. MDMA (the key ingredient in ecstasy) releases large amounts of seratonin in your brain, creating a feeling of euphoria. side effects VARY in every situation depending on factors such as the contents of the pill (% of MDMA, what other substances the pills is cut with). the same person can take the same type and amount of pills on two different occasions and have different experiences. obviously, as with any substance (such as medications which are often accompanied by risks of negative side effects), consumption of ecstasy comes with its share of risks. everyone’s brain chemistry is different and it’d be silly to say that every single person’s brain can handle ecstasy. however, if you know your body well enough and have an open mind, trying ecstasy may be rewarding, but ONLY IF you heed my final suggestion… above all else, USE COMMON SENSE. if you have any common sense at all, trying ecstasy for the first time has the potential to be a positive experience. if you don’t have common sense and do something such as buying your pills from a random person you don’t know, consuming an excessive amount of pills, or just being generally stupid, it’s probably better that you have a negative experience; hopefully you’ll be discouraged enough to never touch the substance again, therefore preventing you from contributing to the stigma surrounding controlled substances. be open minded, have fun, be responsible, and utilize your common sense. I’d be happy to answer any personal/specific questions anyone has about ecstasy use, just funmail me :)

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