Health Questions

  1. Why do I have a black eye if I haven't been hit?
  2. Should I get that Cervical Cancer shot?
  3. What if I'm determined to die?
  4. how do i lose weight?
  5. Do any health insurance plans cover supplements?
  6. Does anyone know how this depression feels?
  7. Could anti-depressants cause a missed period?
  8. Am I pregnant or is my period coming early?
  9. How can I just relax?
  10. Do I have delayed puberty and should I worry?
  11. Why does my girlfriend yawn while on her period?
  12. Why do I cut myself?
  13. How do I stop eating but not pass out?
  14. How can I lose weight if they are watching me?
  15. Is it possible for your breasts to grow after 2 weeks pregnant?
  16. How can I get help for my anger?
  17. Why am I so moist down there?
  18. What if I don't want to take medication for my disorder?
  19. How is a stomach bug transmitted?
  20. Is liposuction painful and how much does it cost?
  21. Why won't my period stop?
  22. What's the fat-sucking operation called?
  23. What's some preventive action for sequential tripping?
  24. Am I overdosing on diet pills?
  25. What is anemic?
  26. What is wrong with me to cause these symptoms?
  27. Is it bad to be sad a lot?
  28. How can you stop your period?
  29. Should I be worried about having many nosebleeds?
  30. What's this liquid from my vagina?
  31. How can I prevent belly button ring infection?
  32. How do you know if a belly piercing is infected
  33. Can I make my period end early?
  34. What are these lumps around my nipples?
  35. Can I get pregnant from my cousin?
  36. Can I buy hcg injection shots online without prescription?
  37. How can I get rid of a UTI?
  38. What happens when you don't eat at all? (continued)
  39. How can I stop cutting myself?
  40. What happens when you don't eat at all?
  41. How can I help my overweight and depressed friend?
  42. Can I drink alcohol and take ciprofloxacin?
  43. Is my pregnancy test result correct?
  44. Is 8 days late too soon to take a pregnancy test?
  45. Can I donate bone marrow?
  46. Could my pregnancy test be giving me a false negative?
  47. What are these stretch marks on my boob from?
  48. Why do my armpits sweat?
  49. How can I get rid of this bad habit of smoking?
  50. Is there a lazy eye treatment?
  51. Is there a way to strengthen my ankle bone?
  52. Did my doctor give me wrong info about the Pill?
  53. Will having scoliosis kill me while giving birth?
  54. Can you make your period stop for a bit?
  55. Can you get HIV from sperm touching a cut?
  56. What's the best way to deal with stress?
  57. What can I do about my crooked legs?
  58. Will the Pill cause a false positive?
  59. Is my period schedule a problem?
  60. What are these small red bumps?
  61. Why can't I have a baby?
  62. How can I lose some of this weight?
  63. When can I know if I'm pregnant?
  64. can teens get breast cancer?
  65. How much water should you drink for water therapy?
  66. Do I have crabs?
  67. What do I do about possibly being pregnant?
  68. What is this horrible cough and chest pain?
  69. Why does it burn when I'm getting fingered?
  70. What's a sure way to know if I'm pregnant?
  71. What happens to your body when you starve yourself?
  72. Why is it taking so long to get my period?
  73. How can I avoid pregnancy without using condoms?
  74. Why am the only one who hasn't reached puberty?
  75. What's this weird stuff happening to my body?
  76. Am I anorexic like my husband thinks I am?
  77. Does IUI implantation bleeding mean pregnancy?
  78. Can you get pregnant with an irregular period?
  79. What is some information about absent seizures?
  80. How will you know if you're pregant while on birth control?
  81. Should I be worried because my period was so short?
  82. Can you get pregnant from pre-cum?
  83. Is my inability to cum related to spinal bifida?
  84. Does anyone have advice for a 19-year-old who may be pregnant?
  85. How can I know for sure if I'm pregnant?
  86. How severe is Celiac's disease (allergy to wheat)?
  87. How can I stop self-destructive behavior?
  88. Do you bleed from the first time you are fingered?
  89. Can I have lyrics to donald lawrence song healed?
  90. What's the perfect weight for 5 feet tall?
  91. Could this be implantation bleeding?
  92. Will a real tattoo over a temporary one poision you?
  93. Do you think I could get pregnant from this?
  94. How do people get ink poisoning?
  95. What if I'm 15 and pregnant?
  96. Where can I get protein?
  97. Will fair and amusement park rides be risky during pregnancy?
  98. Am I too skinny at 5'6'' and 110lbs?
  99. Do I have insomnia?
  100. Am I skinny enough?