What do I do about possibly being pregnant?

Hi I am 18 turning 19 at the end of May and i am so worried I am pregnant, i usually have very regular periods but this month they are a week late and i haven’t been using birth control and i took one of those home pregnancy test but it came up negative. I have been having really swollen and sore breasts and also have been having headaches and I have a hard time closing my button on my jeans. I really don’t know what to do. I can’t talk to my boyfriend about it because he will tell me that im just making things up as i have never fell pregnant before and my parents don’t live in the area. please give me some advise. I am really lost

Answer #1

The best thing to do is see a doctor to do a proper pregnancy check.

Im sure you and your partner are both intelligent people who are aware of the consequences of having unprotected sex. If you really think he won’t be open to this discussion, despite the fact he is equally responsible, you should really reconsider your relationship with him. At the very least, start using protection. If it’s not on - it’s not on, as they say :)

Best of luck.

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