how do i lose weight?

i really want to lose weight, but it is so hard i cant afford those diet plans so what could i do at home to lose weight i want to lose 36lbs that is my goal and i want to reach it by the end of the summer that gives me three months to be a size 0-1 some where in that range my legs need to be amaller my waist my love handles i want to be skinny i need this so any one with advise tell me A.S.A.P

Answer #1

okay…first of all, you have to be committed to do whatever it takes…you can’t be eating chocolate every day…just sparingly, meaning once in a while… Diet and Exericise is the only sure fire way to lose the weight you desire, and KEEP it off. Now don’t get scared when you hear diet, because it doesn’t have to be a HUGE diet, just maybe cutting down on the sweets and the bread, and eating more veggies and fruits. Believe me that one ice cream sandwich Does make a difference. But it’s nice to indulge yourself once in a while, or you might go on a binge…so you can give into the craving, but not on the FIRST day…lol :D Next, is exericise. I would recomend just going to a gym, but since you said that you can’t afford that, then I’ll give you some home tips. Doing situps can really help your abs. Doing 10 at a time and doing 5 sets (meaning doing 10 situps 5 times with a 10 second break into between sets). Lunges help your butt, and thighs This is a link to show you proper technique. Also, Denise Austin tapes are good for working at home, as well as any other tape you’re interested in… Combined these two components will help you. Good Luck! Any other questions, you can contact me or any other person here. <3jaymie

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