How can I lose some of this weight?

I’m a 14 year old girl who weighs about 195 pounds and I’m 5’ 9.5”. What should I do to lose weight… I tried dieting and it worked, I was 12-14 years old and I lost over 20 pounds and I weighed 155 pounds, but summer hit and I got in shape and I lost a few more pounds but then I just started to gain it all back and I want to lose it. I don’t know how I gained it I take dance two days a week for about an hour and a half each I eat wheat bread, I take salads to school some days, and now I just started to run 15 minutes everyday … What should I do?

Answer #1

This is tricky, I don’t want to scare you. There are several possible reasons for this. The most common is genetics. Your body takes on quite a bit of your parents and their parents genes. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about this. If your immediate relatives have a predisposition to weight gain you will most likely have the same problem.

Now if you find you are quite different than the rest of your family you will need to get checked right away. The biggest medical cause for weight gain is an abnormal pituitary gland or hypothyroidism. There are some others like Cushings. It is most likely you have none of these and are in fact just feeling the repercussions of a slow metabolism.

There is a program that speeds the metabolism but I believe it is best that you see your physician to get the best diagnosis.

Answer #2

you just have to stay on the same workout plan you used when you lost 20 pounds… and watch your intake of sugars and carbs…


Answer #3

Me two, I am 14 and trying to do the same thing. The one thing I am doing that you could try too is, I look at labels on food 24/7. So look at the serving size of your favorite snack and take that number say 15 pretzels or whatever and put only 15 into a snack bag. So when you want a snack grab the baggy and eat only whats inside, that way you can’t eat half the bag in one sitting. That’s what I am doing and it works great! Good Luck! I’m on the same path as you girl! Just know in your head you can do it! Say it to yourself once in a while too, it gives you a motivation boost!!

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