Health Questions

  1. Why do I have this intense dizziness?
  2. How long can a bulimic person live for?
  3. What is the best way to stop smoking pot?
  4. How to deal with depression?
  5. How long does it take for untreated Chlamydia to cause infertility?
  6. How to get rid of a gas problem?
  7. How to help my suicidal best friend?
  8. Am I late from stress?
  9. How do I get my period faster?
  10. Why do people think all schizophrenics are murderers?
  11. Can I still get pregnant after having a STD?
  12. Where exactly is your spleen?
  13. Will this harm my baby if I'm pregnant?
  14. How can I stop hitting myself?
  15. What should I do if I'm pregnant?
  16. Why do I have to pee so much?
  17. Why do I have these negative thoughts?
  18. What are these brown clots?
  19. Should I be worried about this abnormal period?
  20. How deep should a cut be for stitches?
  21. Is c*m always white?
  22. How to stop this depression?
  23. How to stop smoking for good?
  24. Is a BMI of 19.7 normal?
  25. How do you get up in the morning?
  26. How to tell my Mom I might be pregnant?
  27. How to tell my husband I think I'm pregnant?
  28. Will laxatives help me lose weight?
  29. Is there something wrong around my vagina?
  30. Why does my stomach hurt when I walk?
  31. Why isn't medication helping my depression?
  32. How to get encouragement to stay happy?
  33. Can you get your period while pregnant?
  34. How can I stop overeating?
  35. How to help myself feel more secure?
  36. Will squeezing breasts cause cancer?
  37. How to avoid breast cancer?
  38. Are you for or against the production of cigarettes?
  39. how do you get rid of scars from cutting?
  40. Will diet pills harm someone who is underage?
  41. How to stop myself from cutting and hide it?
  42. Will I become an alchoholic?
  43. Am I pregnant because I'm craving food?
  44. How to help a friend dealing with dark urges?
  45. Why do girls want to become anorexic?
  46. Why do girls have periods and boys don't?
  47. Isn't bulimia so much worse than anorexia?
  48. Why is chewing ice bad?
  49. Are there any celebrities who have children with Down Syndrome?
  50. How does pregnancy feel after a week and a half?
  51. What are some ways to calm down stress?
  52. Is it possible to quit smoking weed?
  53. Can I get pregnant from a vibrator?
  54. How bad is hookah?
  55. What's happening to my mind?
  56. How do you know if you're pregnant?
  57. How do you know if you have sodium poisoning?
  58. Would you tell your friends and family if you were very sick?
  59. What is spotting?
  60. How do I help a paranoid schizophrenic?
  61. What will slow down a brain tumor?
  62. When did I get pregnant?
  63. Can you get pregnant while on birth control?
  64. What are the advantages of smoking?
  65. How to not be shy?
  66. Been on my period for 14 days now!
  67. Does the body burn calories or fat from calories?
  68. Did I miscarriage?
  69. Why can't they see anything at 6 weeks pregnant?
  70. How will a rubberband help for cutting?
  71. Is this odor from my birth control pills?
  72. Why do I feel sick after eating Poptarts?
  73. How to make volleyball burns stop hurting?
  74. What is it? PLEASE HELP!!
  75. How to make cutting less painful?
  76. How long until birth control becomes effective?
  77. Why am I spitting so much?
  78. How do I tell my Mom I might be pregnant?
  79. How long does it take to drown?
  80. What are these tingling sensations in my arms?
  81. How can I become fat?
  82. Why do I always have heavy periods?
  83. Does smoking help weight loss?
  84. Does anyone pull out their hair?
  85. So what if I am happy being anorexic?
  86. What's this yellow discharge after showering?
  87. Why am I not hungry... ever?
  88. How can I get rid of bulimia?
  89. Does anyone have quotes about STDs?
  90. Does bulimia work for losing weight?
  91. Has anyone had a false negative from a pregnancy test?
  92. Should I tell my parents I'm pregnant?
  93. Why do I keep feeling broody?
  94. Why is my upper back in pain?
  95. Is taking Advil bad if you're pregnant?
  96. What if I want to die?
  97. Does anyone here have trichotillomania?
  98. How do I get rid of my headaches?
  99. Is it normal that I want to die?
  100. Can you die from getting insulin if you don't need it?