How to stop myself from cutting and hide it?

What are some things I could do to distract myself instead of cutting. I’m not sure how else to put it. Also, what do I say if my parents see? I mean they have, but I’ve just been using that my cat did it. Any suggestions would be fine.


Answer #1

You should tell your parents, or go talk to your school counselor if you are uncomfortable doing that. You really need to get help and not try to hide your problem from people. Good luck!

Answer #2

If your parents see then thats totally up to you. Like if you did it without thinking “oh sh*t mom and dad are going to see” then thats not normal. Obvisouly people are going to see! You got yourself into that situation, its up to you to get out of it. You need serious help and hopfully you get it.

Answer #3

from self doing ,I think you should try not to give it any thought.when you feel like doing it dont doe it.I noe its hard because I have cut my self,and its reali hard,but reali reali reali try not to.and I wudnt say lie to your parents,but at the same time what do you reali think you can tell your parents.4 da rest of your life do you think you can tell your mom and dad the cat did it.I dont reali noe what to tell you because im still tryna hide my scars .but I wish you luck if you eva need to talk message me and I can help.or try!

Answer #4

Dear rachellauren, You need to tell your parents. Cutters have a psychological problem that can be helped. You are not alone and there are people out there who specialize in this type of behaviour. Unless you get help you will be always struggling with this. If you can’t speak to your parents talk to the school guidance counsellors or your doctor. Why suffer through this when there is help out there for you. Sue…good luck

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