Health Questions

  1. How can I get rid of this cold I've got?
  2. How to cool down my little sister's fever?
  3. Can I call an amblulance?
  4. If you miss taking the Pill?
  5. What helps you guys fall asleep?
  6. How to get them to leave me alone about eating?
  7. Yes or no, withdrawal from alcohol "can" kill you
  8. How long should a Tetnus shot hurt for?
  9. How do I tell my friends about my panic and depression?
  10. How do I deal with panic attacks?
  11. Is this classed as claustrophobia?
  12. What's wrong with me, I feel so stressed
  13. What happens if I miss taking a pill?
  14. Pelvic exams, how old to get one?
  15. Tampon or pad?
  16. Feeling better for the theme park
  17. Really bad wrist.
  18. Arthritis caused by piano?
  19. Is anyone Allergic to milk?
  20. What do I do if they won't let me help them?
  21. Can you eye come out of the socket with the nerves attached?
  22. What is the average weight for my height?
  23. What makes you fall asleep the fastest?
  24. How do you know which birth control pill will work the best?
  25. Pinky Pains Anyone?
  26. I've decided to see a counselor
  27. Why do I keep blacking out?
  28. Will my guy counselor understand?
  29. My friend needs help for cutting
  30. Can I Die from an internatl hemorrhoid?
  31. How to fix huge knuckles?
  32. Do you smoke cigarettes?
  33. Symptoms of hemorrhoids?
  34. When do I need to take the pill again?
  35. Should I take another pregnancy test?
  36. How to make myself have lucid dreams?
  37. Tight chest and difficulty breathing.
  38. Why haven't I had the chicken pox?
  39. What do you usually do when you're sick?
  40. Have you ever had chickenpox?
  41. When should I start my period
  42. Am I becoming anorexic?
  43. When should I start my period
  44. How to feel better after puking all night?
  45. How to help my foreskin move further down?
  46. I'm so depressed!
  47. What do dentists fill your teeth with?
  48. I've broken many bones in a BMX crash, And I need help!!!
  49. Itchy itchy itchy cast!
  50. Lovanex- stomach bruising and nodules
  51. HOw do I know a tampon is in far enough?
  52. How to get my life back on track?
  53. What causes skin to do this?
  54. Why do they think I'm anorexic?
  55. Is my friend psycho for pretending she was raped?
  56. Is craving alcohol bad?
  57. When people die do their heads shrink?
  58. Cut on stomach, is it infected?
  59. What are the eye muscles attached to?
  60. Improving breathing
  61. When does your body stop growing?
  62. My front teeth sometimes feel loose
  63. How to get my friend to stop cutting?
  64. Doctor isn't helping me
  65. Deep blackhead?
  66. Diabetes prevention?
  67. What's good cough medicine?
  68. Can you get pregnant if...
  69. If you get bit by a Tick what happens?
  70. The test came out negative but I don't believe it
  71. Contraception Pill Problems
  72. Getting the urge to cut again
  73. Is a rape kit the same as a pelvic exam?
  74. Can precum get you pregnant
  75. What a pelvic exam is and the details of it
  76. Pains in stomach
  77. How long should I take amoxicillin for gonorrhea?
  78. What's the difference between weed and marijuana?
  79. Lately it feels like everything is going wrong
  80. Why I'm suddenly emotional?
  81. How to help my bulimic best friend?
  82. About 4 days to get the thc out of my system
  83. My vagina itches and hurts
  84. How do I physically prepare for a baby?
  85. What is your opinion on abortions?
  86. Depression, how to feel better?
  87. How far along am I?
  88. Whats a pelvic exam?
  89. Why did my boyfriend bleed?
  90. Why am I always ill?
  91. My baby has strep throat
  92. How to deal with lethargy ?
  93. What are some reasons why your hair would fall out?
  94. Am I unconsciously becoming emo?
  95. PMS twice in one month
  96. Everytime you pee do you have to put a new tampon in?
  97. How long for weed to get out of your system?
  98. Detached retina
  99. Does rat poison affects humans?
  100. Headaches all the time