I'm so depressed!

It seems like everyone has there someone except me I feel like the biggest loser scum-bag that ever walked the earth it feels so lousy like I’m a homeless guy. I’m scared I’m going to get real old like in my 30s and still not have anyone while my sisters are havin fun with my parents with there kids. Sometimes I wished I was dead like while I’m going to work sometimes I wish the car would crash and I would die. I hate being alone this long everyone I try to encounter is already pregnant, married, long-termed engaged, so on and so forth, What else can I find to keep me alive?

Answer #1

I feel like this all the time too, but I just say, sooner or later, it will change. I’m 18 and never been in a relationship. Heck, most of the girls in my grade or pregnant. It makes me feel bad that I have no one either, Soon, I’m leaving this life behind and getting a fresh start (it’s true, I’m graudated High School and going to college in the city) and I’ll be able to make friends. Other than that, I try to keep my mind focused on anything else. Go to the gym and exericse, that will make you happy, makes me happy. I have suicidal thoughts, but I totally think about what the future holds and that there’s so much that I still want to do. Get better and I hope you find what you’re looking for in your life.

Answer #2

hey bro, I know what your going through. I had the same problem, well still do but it bothers me less now. I remember the exact same sht over this winter, I’d be doin 80 on roads that were fcked just hoping to crash because I was do depressed, never did though. And every girl that I make a connection with is married, has a kid, or boyfriend. Some people just have no luck at all. Your what, one year younger than me and I’ve been through exactly what your going through. sh*t just does not want to work out for some people. you know what kept me going though, just the fact that I know things will get better. Its going to be one of those stupid chance encounters thats going to make everything right in your life. And that alone is enough to keep pushing forward, because things may suck right now and you can’t see when they will get better. but they will. And I turn 21 in june, thats the date I’ve been waiting for, wasn’t sure if I was going to make it but I did. Im sure you have the same thoughts, once your 21 you can go out to the bars and meet women that way, but you don’t know if you can make it. And I look at it like this, so many people have it so much worse, they would kill for our lives. We really don’t have it that bad. just hold on bro, im positive things will work out for the both of us, we just have to be patient.

Answer #3

You need to seek counseling or go to church. The Lord put you here on this earth for a reason and you need to utilize that privolidge to do something productive in life such as reading the bible, attend some kind of activity, go back to school to learn a skill, etc. Have you taken any medication for your depression? I don’t want you going on this way so, if you have any questions feel free to email me.

Answer #4

well!! I am short of word’s apply online.really!!! since you have no other hope

Answer #5

hahahahahaha if you don’t stay alive with a positive attitude then I bet you’d find someone. nobody likes a totally negative person. you may not notice but negativity is keeping you from bringing out the best in you and it also shows on the outside and people don’t want to be near those bad energy

Answer #6


just chill out.

&& dont say you wish you would die. because there’s only one world, & its the one your in now!

shittt. im single, have been for 3 1/2 years. & im happy as can be..

but seriously, dont worry about when your inn your 30’s.

just focus on how you can make today & tommorow a good day =]

but if you need to talk im here to listen :)

Answer #7

This is very selfish of you to say that you wish that you would die. If you keep having the mindset of never getting someone you never will. So stop moping around and be happy that you’re alive!

Maybe you need some guidance or someone to talk to really other than a girlfriend. Good luck.

Answer #8

Yeah thanx I’ll just stay single forever!

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