If you get bit by a Tick what happens?

well I was at my dads house and he has tons of tics and one bit me… What’s going to happen?

Answer #1

As per previous answers, it sounds strange that there would be tons of tics at your dads house. They sound more like fleas or bedbugs.

However, here in Britain ticks are relatively common in grassland and woodland and in some areas they carry a serious disease called Lymes Disease.

Lyme disease is an infection that derives from a tick bite. The disease has a variety of symptoms, including changes affecting the skin, heart, joints and nervous system. It is also known as borrelia or borreliosis.

Here is a link to an advice leaflet that is really useful:


Also see this medical advice site: http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/diseases/facts/lymedisease.htm

Have a look and see if the things that bit you look similar. When ticks bite, they bury their heads in your skin whereas fleas and bedbugs dont.

I speak from experience on tick bites as last Spring I had a tick bite and correctly removed the tick, head and all. The area came up very red and I was advised to go to see a doctor.

I thought it was a lot of fuss over nothing but the doc was very concerned and gave me a blood test for Lyme disease as well as giving me a precautionary course of antibiotics.

What bit you do not sound like ticks though. You said you picked it ‘off’ your stomach. Was it actually burrowed into your skin or was it just sitting on you biting?

PS - Luckily for me, my blood results showed no sign of the disease.


Answer #2

Well if it was a tick…you’ll probebly need some soothing cream for it, maybe aloa vera to stop the redness and itching…it will be red, itch and most likly become uncomfortable because is on your stomach, shouldnt be serious if its a normal household tick…but maybe tell someone just incase…so they can make sure you’ll be alright.

Answer #3

How do you know if it was a tick? You need to see if the head is still in there bacuse when they bite they sometimes have their body fall off and the head stays put. It needs to be picked out with tweezers. If you cant get it out go see a doctor !!

Answer #4

ahh gotcha. Well yes I’m sure it was a tick because I picked it off my stomach and now there’s a red mark still. No I don’t think the head Is still in it.

Answer #5

The tick engorges itself on your blood. Do not try to “pull it out” as the head will come off the tick body, and remain inside you. Instead use a lit cigarette and heat the tick…it will become uncomfortably hot, and remove itself from you, all in one piece. As previously stated Lyme’s Disease is very serious and passed on to man via ticks. Tucking your hiking pants into your woll sox is one help in preventing them from getting on you, so is blousing your trousers (Stuffing them into your high top jump boots, paratrooper style. Liberal applications of DEET (a mosquito repellant) are alleged by some to reduce tick attacks. Basically, hiking in areas where there are a lot of ticks SUCKS (no pun intended), hence the country western song “I’d like to check you for ticks”

Answer #6

Dear emmiibabii44, I highly doubt they are ticks…Ticks live primarily in the bush and don’t congregate in homes. Anyways what it sounds like is bed bugs. These live in homes and bite, leave red marks. They can be transfered from one home to another so you must be very careful. Your father needs to clean everything very well and make sure he gets them all. They multiply like crazy. See a doctor about the bites and they will give you something to treat the marks. Sue…good luck

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