Headaches all the time

I get headaches all the time and I don’t know why. Every little thing gives me a headache. Like playing video games or riding in the car. Almost every time I wake up I have a horrible headache. I don’t know what wrong with me. Everyone thinks I’m making it up just to get attention but I’m NOT!! I’ve been getting these headaches ever since I remember Can someone please tell me why? And this might help: I have sever depression. I’ve been taking antidepressants for a few weeks now. They are just barely starting to affect me. Will they eventually help my headaches?

Answer #1

Your hair mite be to much weight it if it is thick get it thined lol go to the hair dressers and have them thin it it doesnt make it look any diff.(this is if you have thick havey hair lol)

Answer #2

It sounds to me like you are having a hard time coping with stress, and it is manifesting itself in you physically. The medication should help, but it will only be a band-aid. Have you ever considered counciling?

Answer #3

Well I have contacts and I do need a new prescription but even when my prescription was new I still got headaches. well I hope they stop someday

Answer #4

a lot of people get headaches doing weird things. it is probably okay, but I would go to a neurologist (brain doctor) just to make sure.

Answer #5

Stress can cause headaches. The medication should help by helping you manage your stress level. On a different note, when is the last time you had your eyes checked? You might need glasses or a change in your eye sight prescription.

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