Parents & Family Questions

  1. How can I get my mom to not be mad at me?
  2. I don't know what to do about my cousin.
  3. I hate my stepdad
  4. any advice on being on my own after I move
  5. The three Reeves
  6. Repair my relationship with my son
  7. My dad still wants to run my life !!
  8. Are they considered common law?
  9. I don't know what to say to my Mom anymore.
  10. Weird but nice
  11. Abusive mom
  12. Child abuse...
  13. Is 16 to young to move
  14. Coming out of the furry closet
  15. House Bound
  16. Would I be able to move out when I am 16
  17. Memory sister needs help!!!
  18. Mother or Father.
  19. How do I deal with my family disrespecting me?
  20. Annoying Parents.
  21. Am I being used
  22. My family? Yea right!
  23. Annoying twin sister
  24. Last home
  25. How can I tell mum about how I miss dad?
  26. My mom, it is like she hates me
  27. Bigbrother-littlebrother and big brother-little sis?
  28. How can I get my personal space?
  29. I Hate my Brother!
  30. American Ancestry Question
  31. Jail..?
  32. Annoying brother
  33. Questions for my gdad!!!kwik
  34. Foster care
  35. Omgg. What would you do if your father got shot in front of u.
  36. Parents dont allow me to be independant.
  37. What does this mean
  38. A good friend is maybe being molested by father what can I do?
  39. I saw...
  40. Best Friend Adoption
  41. When I was younger my dad tried to kill himself twice
  42. Strict patrents
  43. 2 years after suicide.
  44. Smoking teen x
  45. Can I move out with only one parents permission?
  46. Fighting at home
  47. My stupid family problem
  48. Being a Kid
  49. Could I be???
  50. Abuse or discipline??
  51. Abuse- wright or wrong?
  52. Moving Problem
  53. Can My Mom Get In Trouble For Doing This?
  54. Does Anyone Else Think This Is Ridiculous!?
  55. Shall I go and live with my dad ?
  56. I nee help getting otu of my parents house
  57. Hard People
  58. So mad
  59. Bottlefeed
  60. Getting parents to let me go to camp
  61. Is it wrong to diss my half brother
  62. what makes a good mum?
  63. My mom saidd !
  64. Step-dad.
  65. My mother wont let me sleep over at a friends.
  66. How many mamas on here had a great mothers day?
  67. Children having children?
  68. Mother day help
  69. Problem with annoying mum that might know something
  70. My aunt is a user
  71. Help, my boyfriend's dad died!
  72. Mothers day !
  73. Child abuse. What goes through there heads?
  74. What can I do to have twins, if there is no family history?
  75. my dad alwys brings me down wit words and it hurts.why cant he see
  76. Autistic cousin keeps screaming please help
  77. Can I move out at 15?
  78. Bad mom?
  79. My mom hates me and thinks my girlfriend isn't real
  80. Leaving home
  81. What do I do?
  82. How do I get my parents to agree to let me move out of home?
  83. Running away till your 18
  84. Tried to ditch school
  85. Mother sayin' bad things
  86. Does my mum hate me
  87. My Mates Nan Died I feel useless
  88. What should I do>?
  89. anyone justified to discuss teen pregnancy???
  90. DCYF?
  91. Are you a stay at home father or mother
  92. How will dey let me???
  93. Convincing parents to let me get snakebites!
  94. my dad get too made
  95. Motheres day
  96. u see the thing is
  97. Jack in the box mother's day present help!
  98. Mother's Day
  99. non parents and advice
  100. My parents treat me like a slave?