What can I do to have twins, if there is no family history?

Me and my husband are planning a pregnancy, but we both want twins, but twins doesn’t runin either of our families. Please give me facts and not fiction.


Answer #1

Well, the chances of naturally conceiving twins are extremely low…you’d need fertility drugs to cause that…and even then it’s not 100% possible.

Not to mention, not too many doctors will put you on fertility meds unless you have trouble conceiving.

Answer #2

I have been going to a fertility dr, and the only sure way to have twins is In Vitro. I’ve had several friends who have done this. The dr takes two to three of your eggs and implants them as embryos. Not a SURE thing if your body won’t accept them, but a very high chance.. Also, if you take fertility drugs, it can increase chances, but no sure thing. The dr also told me women in their 30’s tend to have higher mulitple due to the eggs being more mature. They split more often. Good Luck..

Answer #3

There was a study that women who eat yams daily are more likely to have twins

Answer #4

Probably an embryo implant - consult a fertilization Specialist.

Answer #5

Without any history of twins, the odds are severely low … the only way to make that happen is by in-vitro or by taking fertility dr.ugs, and even that isn’t a guarantee.

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