Parents & Family Questions

  1. Why dont parents understand?
  2. is any on from...
  3. I wanna cry right now..sry its long, please read =/
  4. have you ever felt that all your relatives are busy to you.
  5. Toppless mother in front of an 8 year old boy. Okay or weird?
  6. creative punishment
  7. Can I do this
  8. Divorcing your parents??
  9. Legal age
  10. Change last name
  11. Mad about my phone?
  12. Parents fighting all the time help!!!
  13. I hate most of my family
  14. Hwo do I tell my dad
  15. I want a myspace.
  16. What can I do to see both of my parents still?
  17. How to tell parents youre bi?
  18. I'm having an affair, what should I do?
  19. My brother is dying of boredom - help!
  20. I'm afraid of my dad's temper, help?
  21. My baby girl's blood group
  22. mom and I don't get along
  23. dresses too young
  24. A Nice Thing
  25. Why didn't she do this months before?
  26. Temporary Guardianship
  27. first cousin once removed ? what does that mean ?
  28. He won't talk to me
  29. moms are mean
  30. My own room!
  31. Smoking sister?
  32. I have a baby girl named selena and im having another baby girl !
  33. I don't like my mom
  34. Family difference
  35. Tongue rolling?
  36. trying to find my dad
  37. My mum doesnt know :s haha
  38. Is it possible?
  39. Do I have the right?
  40. Convince my mum to let me get my bellybutton pierced
  41. at 16 can my best friend get emancipated in Colorado?
  42. Crazy parents
  43. Im the un-loved child
  44. what's wrong with my mum?
  45. Sneaking Out 2
  46. How to control stupid teen mindset/emotions?
  47. Can a 17 year old move out?
  48. Is itt?
  49. Since I found out ... all I want to do is cry
  50. How to find my dad
  51. Anorexic
  52. how do I talk to a girl
  53. emancipation
  54. what would you do
  55. How likely am I to have twins?
  56. why can't I see Twilight
  57. How can he adopt her but not marry me?
  58. why did my dad leave
  59. How do I ask my mom to buy me a thong and let me use tampon?
  60. can I move away at 16
  61. can I move out with my parents permission at the age of 16?
  62. What can I do about my mean sister?
  63. How can we handle my dads temper?
  64. how to back up your mom and her boyfriend
  65. Family Problems..
  66. how to convince parents to let me go to a party
  67. My mum can't shut up
  68. What can the cops do???
  69. Parents Wont Let Me Get Snakebites
  70. How do I convince my parents to let me get a tounge peircing?
  71. How can I tell my ma im pregnant ?
  72. Does my friends parents dislike me
  73. Please help me, how do I convince my dad to take in a puppy?
  74. How do I know if I'm going to actually get to see him?
  75. How to convince my dad to let me go swimming?
  76. Moving out at 16 in FL
  77. Whats the easiest way to bring a family closer together?
  78. How old were you when you moved out of your parents house?
  79. Any advice on meeting boyfriend's mom?
  80. if you were a parent what would you say...
  81. My mom has a beer problem
  82. How do I stop my mom and dad from getting a divorce.
  83. Sister
  84. Null and void child adoption?
  85. Mi 15
  86. Kids With Issues with Parents who are really messed up!
  87. ?out of state move
  88. help
  89. Can I still move out?
  90. Pervy step bro
  91. She took the phone away
  92. Is there any reason to get emancipated after you're 18?
  93. DAD wont sign papers!
  94. Custody Rights?
  95. meeting daughter's boyfriend's parents
  96. How do I do it ?
  97. 17 years old
  98. Vision loss rapidly
  99. my mom has a cow if I hang out with a boy
  100. Bad Memories=(