Convince my mum to let me get my bellybutton pierced

How do I convince my mum to let me get my bellybutton pierced? I am 15 and I’ve asked my mum a few times to let me get it done but she keeps saying no and tells me it would get infected. But I know a lot of people whos had it done and its been fine.

Answer #1

well I would advise you 2 actually think of the true reason your really wanting it done..Then if you still want it done then talk to her like an adult would tell her that if it does get infected that you will take it out( but keep it very clean so it wont get infected) and basicly wear her down until she gives up and lets you get it done. But when your trying 2 talk about it 2 her DONT sound like a cry baby teen who just what’s 2 get what you want.. so just wear her own and she will give up after a while…lol…hope I helped

Answer #2

my friendd percied minee and my mom saw it onee weejk laterrr. she was mad but she like w.e

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