How can we handle my dads temper?

ok im 26 years old and im married and live with my dad and have a 10 month old daughter well the thing is my dad gets so mad and throws a attiude every time I turn around he does it towards me but not anyone else and im sick and tired of it its to the point im ready to turn my back him and say heck with it all and not have anything to do with him as long as I live he never listens to anything I have to say and always tells me everything else is basically more important and he is always tellin my daughter to hit me and be mean to me and not listen to me and tries to get her to use profanity towards me and to me and does the same thing to my hubby and we dont know how to handle this kinda stuff and was wondering what we should do

Answer #1

move out you shouldve done the before you gt married

Answer #2

I think you should definitely talk to your dad privately about how you feel and to try to work it out or if that does not work you both should go a therapist or counselor and have them help you resolve it. I also think you should start saving up your money and buy your own house or rent a house or an apartment! GOOD LUCK!!

Answer #3

Why are you living with your father? You’re married with a child.

Get your own place…solve everyone’s problems.

Answer #4

Move out! You should have moved out years ago…

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