dresses too young

my sister is living with me, she’s 25 and likes to go out with her friends. the problem is she has 4 kids and is a divorced wife. she leaves every time her kids go with their dad…Oh yeah she dresses like shes 17 and hangs out with 17, 18,19 yr olds. How, and what should I tell her??? HELP!

Answer #1

Let her have some fun, she’ll get bored with it quickly.

When you turn 25, there isn’t some line that you cross where people hand you serious, rigid clothes.

Answer #2

Let her have fun!…sooner or later she’ll get tired of the whole gig..

Answer #3

well… you can take her on jeramy kyle LOL No seriously you could start with telling her to get a grip and tell her that she now has a life long responerbility and that she should act her age. and if that dousnt work then next time you go out shopping try and get her to like clothes that 25yr olds should were

good luck

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