My mum can't shut up

My mum opening tells my friends, her friends and our extended family about all my personal problems and other stuff that I don’t want any body knowing. I have tried talking to her but she hasn’t stopped and just tells me to stop worrying. How can I get her to understand that I don’t want the whole world knowing about all my issues??

Answer #1

Well tell her once agian not to do that , ask the people shes talking about you too, to ask her not to talk about you. Theres really nothing you can do but really who cares about it because what evers not killing you can only make you stronger so just kind of roll with the punches. Yours truly, Demika Ray

Answer #2

My moms the exact same way like the day she found out I was cutting she went and told 3 of her friends…I always argue with her over that

Answer #3

My mom does the same thing, unfortunately. Talking never helped for me either. It’s extremely frustrating, I know.

What I found to be the most helpful with my mom is to be very selective about how much I tell her. If there’s something in specific I won’t want other people knowing, I simply don’t tell her unless it’s something she really should know. You could do the same, unless you really prefer having that open relationship with your mom (which is really a good and special thing).

Alternatively, you could try talking to her again. Let her know why it upsets you. After that, let her know that if she won’t respect your privacy enough to keep it to herself, that you simply won’t share anymore. And if she continues, until she stops, be selective. Hopefully that would help her realize you’re serious.

Good luck.

Answer #4

Start rumors about her?

wow what an answer. Dont listen to that, thats simply immature. Talk to your other family members about it.

Answer #5

Start Rumors about her?

I tried

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