Does my friends parents dislike me

I use to call my best friends parents five times a day. And when they asked I limited to three. then my best friend said that they were flustered by how many times I called and said I can only call once a day even if I don’t get a hold of her. Okay I guess if you count that I called and if I didn’t pick up before the first ring, then I called more then three times, but I didn’t know that at first. Do you think what her parents are doing to me is fair

Answer #1

okay I don’t try everyday anymore, I mean my best guy friend calls me at least six times a day and my parents aren’t annoyed

Answer #2

Someone your age should have the common sense to understand that this kind of behaviour can be irritating to other people.

Answer #3

I am not in love with them , I have cleard that up and I will wait a few weeks before I call again

Answer #4

well you see I stopped the five times after a while, and I did three as they asked, but I didn’t know that if the phone didn’t ring at first and if I hung up that it would be bad, but they just got mad, and my friend barely calls me.

Answer #5

yes. you need to get a life and stop bugging people so much. Go get a job or go do something. When some one asks you to leave them alone or dont call so much respect their wishes and follow their lead. OK?

Answer #6

Hmm. Well I’d probably be annoyed if someone called my house 5 times a day… Why dont you alternate days, wait for your best friend to call you? Or chat with her online?

Answer #7

Speaking as a parent…yes.

What you did was discourteous and highly annoying. If you can’t have respect for your friend’s family, then I don’t blame them.

Answer #8

yea kinda I mean you could have called her once and if she didnt pick up or you didnt get a hold wait an hour or two because the way you called it seemed as if you were a little too attached on her to her parents

Answer #9

I understand , and I only call her once a day now but I find it a little unfair because I have followed every one of their rules when they gave it too me, and the fact is I have a learning disability as well

Answer #10

well maybe your friend isnt your friend if she doesnt call you and yes I would have done the same thing and there is no reason you shud be talking to your friend 5times a day…

Answer #11

It will take some time for them to get past it…have patience and just keep trying to show respect.

Answer #12

What has having a learning disability have to do with anything? Please dont insult the intelligence of other learning disabled children by using that as an excuse for immature behavior… Uhm, well, maybe you should take it as a hint if she’s not calling you… I’m not trying to be mean. You’re overly attached and dependent on one person… All your eggs in one basket is not smart. Try to talk to other people…

Answer #13

thanks I’ll try, and I’m not completely mad at her it’s just that she has done so much for me and even I think I should give her and her parents a chance, it’s just I heard from he ex best friend that my friend lied to her about a party and they weren’t friends since and I’m trying to be carful not to hit a nerve

Answer #14

I do talk to my guy best friend even more then her. And if I got a hold of her once a day. I’d be happy with it, it’s just that I never reallly get a hold of her anymore, not in a month

Answer #15

well maybe she just wants you to leave her alone and why do you even need to talk to her everyday???

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