Kids With Issues with Parents who are really messed up!

I have bad issues with my mother ok it doesnt invole abuise its just the problem thatnone of my sister or me have ever been able to get along with my mom im the youngest both my sisters are 13 and 16 years apart from me my momm just really doesnt remember what its really like to be 13 now SHES 52! and I just dont want to live with her I thought about suicide a lot lately and I just dont know what else there is ? Its so hard liveing with her my parents separated when I was 4 and her boyfriend for 8yrs on and off has a bad temper im not scared of him and hes never hurt me but I just rather live with one of my sisters and my nesis but when ever I try to say that I wanna live with one of them my mom just goes off and say no no no I will never let you live down there again with her ! and I dont know why though? My sister helped me with my grades a lot more than my mom she makes it so I understand my mom just get frustrated when I still say im not getting it . I had friends when I was with my sis I still have friends here I just dont like live with my mom and her boyfriend for the fack that ever since I’ve come back from living with her it seem like its my fault that they fight and yell at each other or get it to some stupid f’ing argument ! and I cant haddle it anymore! and I just need some advice on what to do! because I dont know and I dont want to live with my mom and I love my sister more than I will eer love my mom and I know that and I want my mom to burn burn brun in f’ing hell for making my life misurable ! and keeping me if a different province and getting mad when I want to live with somone who wont yell at me when her boyfriend or somone else does somthing wrong! please help ! advice anything I need help!

Answer #1

Add me as your friend then send me fun mail… I have advice that could help..

Answer #2

It aint working…

Answer #3

I know wher yoor comin from , but reelly yuu need to sort things out step by step , try asking one of yoor sisters to tlk to yuur mum but its kinna the personal sittuation that depense on what to do x

Answer #4

Sometimes if you let somebody know how you feel in writing it may shock them and make them wake up. When you are just talking people will get too emotional or you may get too emotional and forget things and the other person will be like, here we go again and will not take you seriously. They will think you are just being a normal teen having a tantrum and that it may be hormones. Tell your older sister that you are seriously have been thinking that you have nowhere to go. Also have you and your sister confront your mother together about it like in that intervention TV show. I know you don’t believe it now but this experience will make you a better stronger person in the future.

Answer #5

hey I know what your going through im 13 and I have the same prob. and stuff like that soo please fun mail any if you want to talk =]

Answer #6

Work hard to make your mom understand.

Parents can be stupid this way at times, because they pass off every serious problem as regular teenage hormones.

Wake up, parents - parents and regular culture are to blame, not adolescence.

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