Can I do this

Alright ill b 17 in about 29 days and my mom doesnt like my boyfriend and she says that I cant see him. If I have a place 2 live (meaning not at home) can I leave? Will I be old enough 2 say “I dont wanna live here” and be able 2 leave

Answer #1

I moved out at 17 but my mother didnt try to stop me and I was pregnant so yeah but DO NOT tell her you hate her and try to get her to cave. I did and not even a year later I felt horrible. I was ashamed of what I had sid and done. Ask her if you can move out and as long as your boyfriend is with in the 4 year age limit then the worst she can do is tell the cops you ran away. I am now 18 and I married the man I ran off with (my sons father) but my mother and I still have a lot to work on in our relationship so please listen to her. She may not want you to make the same mistakes she did. Sit down and talk to her about why she doesnt like him and any other issues (such as, you may feel that she is just being mean) you never know, she might blurt out something she did like that at your age and then assure her that this isnt her mistake. Tell her that you dont think that this is a mistake but if it is then it is your mistake to make. And then if it works out that it isnt a mistake then Awesome! :-D But if by chance it goes bad then OWN IT and dont put it on her for letting you go. Seriously though, sit down and ask her then talk to her about EVERYTHING and she might agree or agree to let you see him bc you came to her as an adult. and dont do what my 17 year old sister did and stomp out if she says no. Take it and wait. continue to talk about it like an adult and maybe she will come around.

Answer #2

You can’t move out unless you become an emancipated minor, which means the law says your parents don’t control you. Usually the parents and the kid are both trying to get the kid emancipated, maybe because that teenager is really smart and finished high school early. In this case your parents would be against you. It won’t look good in court if your only argument is “My mom won’t let me be with my boyfriend.” What worked for me was talking about the good sides to my boyfriend. Slip it into conversations so she gets to know your boyfriend better. Another thing that works is convincing them you won’t have sex with him, whether that’s actually true or not. Parents worry about STDs and getting pregnant because it’s screwed up so many teens’ futures already. If you are mature and up front about that then it could very well work.

Answer #3

that only works if your parents are divorced and whoever has custody of u, and you want to move out of the parent who has custody of u, you can when you are 16. but until you are 18 you cant leave or your parents can put out a missing report on you and cops will bring you home.

Answer #4

yes you can…a lot of people do this…I was 17 going out with a 15 year old girl and she moved in with me…her mum liked me tho* lol…but yea you can move out once you hit 16 years old…but if your boyfriend is to old she can try and get a ristraning order on your boyfriend not to see u…tell your mum you hate her and you will disown her as a mother if she does that…maybe she will come in to some sort of understanding that you really like this guy and let you’s be happy together…once you are 16 you can move anywhere you wanna ;)

Answer #5

youre aminor until youre 18.. so im not really sure. I think it depends on what state you live in too… also you should be careful what you do.. as ridiculous as it seems and angry it makes you.. you should be submissive to your parents and just wait it out.

Answer #6

I thought when you turn 16 you are able to have the say so to where you want to live… So I think you can do it

Answer #7

No you have to be an adult… 18.

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