How do I do it ?

I am 16 years old and I would say am going through the tuffest part of my teen years so far. I have yet to tell my family that im gay…its really hard because I know what they think of gays/lezbians…and trust me everytime im reminded from them it dosnt make me feel any better…I want them to know but I dont want to ruin our relationship…I wish I had some one to tlk about it with…

Answer #1

Like I told my mom the night about me and my girlfriend,she got in my face about it and I used to always be afraid to tell her the straight up truth. Thanks to someones advice on here,I basically stood up to her and said ‘I love Krystal,and if you can’t accept our love then I’m moving out and you CAN’T stop me’. She didn’t like what she heard but I finally stood up to her.

My mom doesn’t approve of Gay’s/Lesbians but I support them,simply talk to them about it and explain how your supporting them,try to really convince them and once you notice they are,spit it out that your gay and if they can’t accept it,a lot of things are oing to change rather they like it or not,it’s YOUR life,not theirs.

Answer #2

SAY , or write a note; “ mom dad , I know this isn’t exactly good news, but it’d be really cool if you supported me and what I’m going through. I’m gay, whether you’re going to accept it or not, I can’t help the way I feel.”

Answer #3

this is who you are, and that is totally ok.

if your parents really cared about you and your well being, they would understand that this is you. and they should be ok with it. if not, things will get better. dont worry about messing things up, just get it out there when you feel is the right time. you’ll do ok, and talk to a close friend or a school councler, or look for a therapist. or an adult you trust.

your true loves, family, and friends will love you for YOU, and everything you are. keep that in mind.

Good luck,


Answer #4

just tell them and please be sure you are gay and this hiding and living in fear of being found out is really harmful to any person if you like being gay just know that there are and always will people who will hate you and talk trash to you but then again that is just life so get a tough skin and you cant blame people for wot they say and who really needs to know outside of you parents and good friends

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