Questions & Answers

  1. what does it mean when your car jumps when shifting?
  2. Is there a story sharing website on here ?
  3. Why call pig meat pork?
  4. Where do they sell unflavored jello, is it with the rest of the jello in the grocery store?
  5. Why are there more updates than questions all the time...?
  6. How do you make home made pore strips?
  7. Would you rather be rich or healthy?
  8. Who has heard that you can't get an epideral if you have a lumbar (lower back) tattoo?
  9. What am I suppose to do now?
  10. How to deal with my dad?
  11. Who knows if there are ACTUAL online jobs?
  12. How can I preserve my hip tattoos when i decide i'm ready for children?
  13. Who knows if i can return something with out the price tag it has the stickers and i have the receipt?
  14. How much do pore strips cost at local stores like Walmart or CVS?
  15. Who thinks mothers with tattoos and piercings is trashy?
  16. What type of material should I use to mount my rear view mirror back on?
  17. what is a good online store that have kids back to school clothes on sale?
  18. How to go by making a Magazine???
  19. What was your favorite game to play as a child?
  20. How do I alter a sleeve of a blouse because it has become to small for me to get my arms through?
  21. Can you get a stroke from whatching too much tv??
  22. did you ever try watermelon jelly??
  23. What is the song from 'Emo Time with Shane Dawson'?
  24. what are the signs when a man orgasims?
  25. What kind Of Band Is Otep?
  26. Do you think Bekah sounds too much like Bella (my book, please help!)?
  27. Who believes grass is medicine for cats?
  28. how i can make my pussy more white cause it has more dark color than my rest body?
  29. How can i get Call of duty 4 for my macbook pro for free?
  30. What actually happens when you defrag your computer/laptop?
  31. How can I stop being afraid of sleep?
  32. How to relax face muscles?
  33. What treatment would you seek if you were addicted to therapy?
  34. What would happen if a non-diabetic took a shot of insulin ?
  35. how can i add my songs on itunes to my droid?
  36. do bangs make you look like u have a small forehead??
  37. how do you make frozen chocolate dipped bananas??
  38. Is it true when you sweat it means your loosing weight??
  39. what is black pepper corns made out of?
  40. What is the summary of the book Hoot?I have to write a 2 page summary of that book and I don't know how and I can't really remember what It talked about because
  41. is the weather around los angeles cali short and tshirt weather or something else?
  42. How do i get around Florida in 2 weeks?
  43. How would you feel if someone close to you didn't tell you that they had a serious illness?
  44. are there any hair dyes that are safe for permed hair?
  45. Why is my body so bipolar?
  46. What types/brands of gum can you chew with braces?!!?
  47. how can i figure out a bus route from lynden washington to spokane washington?
  48. What tattoos do you have or What kind of tattoo would you like to get ?
  49. Can tar hurt my dog??
  50. Why is the series Bleach called "Bleach"?
  51. How old were you when you got your license?
  52. what kind of movies are good for 3d in movie theathers?
  53. What is the best way to mourn a relatives death?
  54. Who prefers blondes over brunettes or visa versa?
  55. Whats a good manga to read that is drawn and maybe similar in story to Fruits Basket!?
  56. What are some foods you are not allowed to have when pregnant, and why can't you have them?
  57. Where can I find those real furry boots at online.?
  58. Which type of movies do you think are better Harry Potter movies or The Twilight Saga?
  59. When is Jennette McCurdy's album coming out?
  60. What do i do if my camera's lens go pushed in?
  61. Do you believe that parenting using "fear" is better or parenting using communication and teaching responsibility is better?
  62. Why does my Adobe Flash Plugin keep crashing?
  63. What would you do and how would you react if your teenage daughter told you she was pregnant - mainly for the adults on the site?
  64. Can i change my mood in fun advice and also can I block my profile from other users?
  65. can u get fines and probation for stealing narcotics from a pharmacy?
  66. what are some good songs for my modern Ballet Class&Hip Hop Class?
  67. What is the song in the Pantene commercial?
  68. What happened on the Bachelorette?
  69. How can I laminate paper, where do I have to go?
  70. Who has watched Hellsing, the anime series?
  71. How can I train myself to breathe through my nose?
  72. What is your favorite Converse style, pattern, and color?
  73. How much does it cost to print pictures at Walgreens i have 29 to print?
  74. What are some acoustic songs that are sung by girls?
  75. What sect did Michael Faraday belong to?
  76. Why does using dandruff shampoo make my dandruff worse, and what else can I do?
  77. Is it possible to make a home made dry erase board?
  78. Can having cysts on your ovaries cause your periods to go out of whack?
  79. How do you get blood out of a fabric (clothes), after it has set in?
  80. What sun cream has a UVA and UVB protector?
  81. where can you buy vans shoes for cheap?
  82. What is a good face mask, preferably the ones that make your face feel tight.
  83. how can i get rid of these bumps on my forhead?
  84. Is there anything in the rules that says there can only be a certain number of Admins?
  85. Who knows the song played in the Sunkist commercial?
  86. What's a leb?
  87. Why is it that black people have peach colored hands and feet?
  88. Why is it that the majority of people are right handed?
  89. Who has tried the votka-energy drink combination(it ROCKS :D)?
  90. Who has had the most influence in your life?
  91. How do I keep trusting my bf while he's away?
  92. what should i be squating?
  93. who knows about assembling jobs ?
  94. What is the worst thing you have ever done?
  95. What is the red, dry irritated skin under my nostrils and on the side of my nose?
  96. Why do guys think farts are SOO funny?
  97. What is the best thing you ever learned from your parents?
  98. what is the movie Vampires Suck rated??
  99. How can i lose some baby fat?
  100. are there any foods that speed up your metabolism or help burn body fat?