Can having cysts on your ovaries cause your periods to go out of whack?

I have multiple cysts on my periods were somewhat normal…but last month it was a week early..and today i went to start even 4 days earlier than last month..but im sorta spotting…instead of actually starting..but im cramping extremely bad..i was thinking that maybe having cysts on your ovaries can cause your period to be all weird..mine is continuously getting lighter as usually on it for about 2-3 days and i use to be on them like the normal 7 days..or

Answer #1

that is definitely a possibility…but we arent trained professionals to give you an exact opinion on this issue. My best advice is to speak to your gynecologist see what they say! They will definitely be able to assist you more on how to think about the matter so you dont have to be so worried about it.

Answer #2

What you are describing sound a lot like what happened to me. I found out that I had a very large cyst and the torsion had cut off the blood supply to that part of my reproduction. My doctor told me if I had waited to get checked out much longer I ran the risk of becoming sterile. I’m not saying that this is what’s going with you, but I think you should really visit your OBGYN just to make sure everything is okay.

Answer #3

yeah i know aware you aren’t not an idiot…i just like others opinions on certain see if anybody else has expierence and so on…so i would appreciate it if you didn’t leave anymore smart a** answers to my questions..if you dont like an answer or whatever..overlook it and go on with your life..simple as that.

Answer #4

i know it did for my sister…she also had very bad cramps but she would get two periods one month then two months later have one really heavy one for a day or two then it would stop then start again. she had to get surgery to remvoe the cysts

Answer #5

yeah i have an appointment but its not until the end of the month..i found out i had cysts on my in july..but they couldn’t get me into an apointment to get the ultrasound and all that until the end of this

Answer #6

wow …well mine isn’t’s just really light and extremely bad off dates..

Answer #7

Doctors offices are usually like that. I used to call about every couple of hours everyday and asked if they had an available appointments due to cancellations. I guess they would get sick of me after a while, because it always worked! Try it. You may have some luck.

Answer #8

I originally had to wait so long for my initial appointment that when I wound up being seen, they said that they were going to do immediate surgery to remove it. o_0 You can imagine my surprise!

Answer #9

My stopped completely after 2 years and the doctor said I probably did have a cyst, So yes they can mess it up and stop them

Answer #10

There is no need to be rude. She wasn’t trying to be a smart@ss….She was not being rude, or mean at all. She was being very polite. Similar to what you said, if you don’t like HER answer, then just overlook it. You don’t need to get upset because someone is just trying to help.

Answer #11

whoops My period stopped

Answer #12

Excuse me? I tried to help you out… offering you the best advice I could under the circumstance! If you have a problem with my advice, funmail me about it… but dont you dare speak to me that way!

Answer #13

Yeah, I have PCOS, it does a whole lot of things, and sometimes it can cause periods to do weird things. I had my period non stop for over a year. So that may be it.

Answer #14

well you’ve been far too rude to sorry but you have..i’ve had to make another adive account because of it..i know i should ask my doctor about things..but when you cant get in to the doctors for another few weeks and you wonder what might be wrong..of course im gonna ask on see if any other girl has been through the same experience..and i didn’t call you a smart @ss..i simply just said that your answer seemed smar @ssish to opinion..

Answer #15

wow that is crazy…im sorry you had to go through that..l

Answer #16

thank you for your answer..very helpful

Answer #17

thank you for your answering my question..

Answer #18

Sara, you’re overreacting and she wasn’t the least bit rude to you, nor was she giving you a smartass answer. You need to control your anger. Furthermore….another account? That’s not allowed. Give me one good reason not to disable you right now.

Answer #19

??? omg that is so not being a bit rude..i even fun mailed her and apologized…and yes another is that not aloud? had to because she kept giving me really bad ansewrs and hurting my feelings

Answer #20

It’s not allowed because it’s in violation of our terms. If you were having a problem with a user, you bring it to the admins, you do not create another account.

Answer #21

what’s so wrong with creating another account? lol

Answer #22

why on earth is everyone attacking me?..i have dont NOTHING!!…oh my gosh im beginning to think this site just likes to pick on

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